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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

sandy shores
July 16th, 1893 — Sanditon Picnic; Sanditon Resort
It had been a shock to hear about his schoolmates tragic passing. It felt unfair that someone he remembered as being so vibrant and full of life should be robbed of it so young. She had not even been seventeen yet! Paxton had been subdued somewhat which was unlike himself. There had been a picnic that got moved to the Sanditon and now that was going on. He was feeling a little more like himself so he had decided to partake. Besides, it wasn't like he could escape the event when he lived in its venue.

Lost in his head a little, he walked along the sandy shore. The water was as beautiful as it always was and there were sounds of mirth all around. Picking up a stone, he tossed it against the lakes surface and smiled as it skipped quite a few times. His highest record yet!

set by Bee!
It was something he chose, of course, and he would never say that he didn't feel grateful for every moment he got to spend in the halls of the Flint Institute, preparing for his N.E.W.T. classes in September, but Dorian was in desperate need of a break. It was like a godsend that the picnic was today and he was permitted to attend, along with the rest of his family, and so far he was having a good time. When they were done with their snack, Elisabeth left to go play badminton with a small group of young ladies so Dorian went his own separate way.

While walking along the shoreline, Paxton caught his attention and Dorian's dark eyes followed the stone as it skipped across the water. It seemed his eyes lingered a little too long because Dorian felt a strange sensation in the pit of his stomach and he had to stop staring; he hoped it was just the picnic food and not those weird, 'I'm lowkey checking out someone I shouldn't' butterflies. “I bet I could make it skip at least one more time,” he commented when it was clear that Paxton had noticed his presence and he had to say something or else he'd seem like some sort of weird stalker. It sounded smoother than he felt, “I could show you if you wish.”

[Image: dorian-signature.png]
Beautiful Set by Athena ♡ !
Paxton noticed he was no longer alone and fought an inward groan as he realized who it was. Not that he had experienced much socialization with Dorian Rosier but being the same year, they were in some of the same classes. Besides that, Paxton had noticed that his eyes had a tendency to wander the Slytherins way in classes but he tended to do his best not to read too much into that.

Paxton couldn't help amusement at the others words. To the Hufflepuff, it sounded like the other was doing him a favour by showing him. "If you think you can top that, then sure," he said with a grin. "Show me."

set by Bee!
And that was exactly how Dorian intended it to sound; like Paxton should consider himself honored that he bothered to stop and show Paxton how it was done. He sauntered over to where the other boy was standing, an arrogant smirk crossing his features as if he wasn't having a moment of nerves not ten seconds ago. Picking up a stone, one nice, smooth, and flat - ideal for skipping - and tossed it toward the lake with a simple flick of the wrist. Dorian felt a whiplash of emotions then, though he'd never admit it; at first it was intense anxiety that he'd do it wrong and he was cocky for nothing, then it was instant relief when it managed to skip just one more time than Paxton's first attempt. “It’s all in the wrist,” he winked at Paxton, clearly pleased with himself, “How come you’re all the way over here and not enjoying a game of… I don’t know, badminton like everyone else?” He asked it rather suddenly, but he did wonder why he was alone.

[Image: dorian-signature.png]
Beautiful Set by Athena ♡ !
Paxton couldn't help scoffing a little bit as the other smirked at him. Damn the Slytherin, why did that smirk only add to the allure of his appearance? An allure that shouldn't be there at all something in the back of his mind whispered. He ignored it in favour of watching as the other chose his stone and tossed it towards the sea.

"I'll remember that," Paxton said, internally displeased that his record had been bested so casually. "Just wanted a bit of time to myself. A lot of things on my mind." Not that he would share what those things were. He didn't know Rosier well enough to be doing that. "What about you? You're over here too."

set by Bee!
Dorian couldn’t help the cocky smirk he gave Paxton when he managed to skip the rock just enough times to break his record, though if he was honest he could feel his heart suddenly start beating again as he had been worried for the briefest moment he wouldn’t be able to do it; he was a perfectionist, even when it came to stupid little games like this one. “Oh?” he questioned, of course he was curious about what the Hufflepuff had on his mind, more so out of being a nosy pest who liked knowing things than someone who actually cared - well, that’s what he thought, anyway - but he doubted he’d start unloading his burdens to someone he wasn’t friends with. “Fair,” he shrugged, “I first came over here because I’ve been my dear cousin’s personal tour guide since she arrived here and as lovely as she is, I could use some time without her.” Not that she didn’t ditch him so she could play badminton first, but that was beside the point, “Now I’m over here because someone has to show you how a real master skips rocks, since you seem to need the help.” He grinned wide at Paxton, clearly teasing.

[Image: dorian-signature.png]
Beautiful Set by Athena ♡ !
See? There was that smirk again, making weird fluttery feelings occur in the pit of his stomach. Paxtons throat felt dry and he wished he had something to drink. He only offered the shrug in response to the oh that came from the others lips.

He chuckled as Rosier spoke of having to escort his cousin around. "Have you had to do so all summer?" He asked curiously. Sometimes he had to help people around the resort but that was fun and didn't take up his entire schedule. "Any other skills you feel I need to be taught?" He was teasing too. Or maybe he was flirting. He was not quite sure himself.

set by Bee!
“Most of it, anyway. She arrived from France in July and whenever I wasn’t in classes at the Flint Institute, I was escorting her to and from places,” Dorian explained, though he was uncertain why he was just telling Paxton this. It wasn’t like it was a huge secret she was living here now, in fact he’d like to introduce his friends to her and make her more of a staple in their community, but Dorian didn’t usually talk about his personal life so openly. But, he was feeling relaxed today, he supposed. “I can think of a few,” he flirted back with more of that smirk that Paxton loved so much; he’d kissed a boy before, last summer, and so Dorian was vaguely aware that he enjoyed flirting with other boys, at the very least, especially when they were handsome, but he knew he ought to be careful, “I’ve got a feeling I could teach you quite a lot if you’d allow me.”

[Image: dorian-signature.png]
Beautiful Set by Athena ♡ !
It was wild to Paxton that a boy his own age was trusted to act as a chaperone for this cousin. His own mother probably wouldn't trust him to escort a paper bag, let alone one of his sisters. Then again, all but Sunday were older than him.

Oh. There was an undercurrent behind Dorians words, Paxton felt. Something electric. Something that had him feeling a little afraid, even. But he wanted to reach out and touch that electric current just as much. "Maybe I'll let you or we can see if I am actually better at you at something." Not that he had always been so terribly competitive but something about Rosier brought out that side of him.

set by Bee!
Dorian had a pristine reputation and he had known Miss Champagne since they were young children, so it did not register as odd at all that he would be given permission to chaperone her everywhere. But, if he were to be honest, he didn’t like the sort of pressure that making sure she didn’t get into any trouble put on him. Nevertheless, he was happy to have a break from that.

It was an odd feeling, to suddenly have a crush after not having one a minute ago, but Dorian rather enjoyed it and like a lot of teenage boys, curious about what it would feel like to be with someone. Of course, he still had a small voice in his brain telling him that Paxton could be just being friendly when he reacted positively to his flirting and if he read the signs wrong he could get into huge trouble, but he just couldn’t help himself as he felt his heart pick up speed. “I’ll take that challenge,” he agreed, then winked at him after, “But I guarantee I’ll win everything you throw at me, so don’t be too hard on yourself.”

He reached down, scooped up a nice smooth rock and placed it into Paxton’s hand, his fingers brushing up against his palm, he even clasped the other boy’s fingers around it for him as well; it was an excuse to touch his hand. His heart was pounding, but Dorian thought it was an innocent gesture if it was unwanted and attempting to beat the new record was a good challenge.

[Image: dorian-signature.png]
Beautiful Set by Athena ♡ !
Paxton smiled as Dorian took his words as a challenge. The others wink had a faint flush spread across his cheeks. "We'll see about that," he said with a laugh when Dorian guaranteed that he would win everything. He resolved to make a list later of different things they could try to best one another at.

Paxtons mouth went dry as Dorians fingers brushed against his palm, his skin tingling where contact was made. He subtly and briefly brushed his fingers against the others in return though to anyone else it would just look like he was taking the stone from the other boy. Tossing the stone towards the seas surface, he sighed good-naturedly as it fell quite short of Dorians record. He had been a little distracted.

set by Bee!
If Dorian didn’t know any better, he was sure he was having a panic attack right now with how fast his heart was going and how nervous he felt. But, Paxton didn’t react badly to him touching his hand, instead brushing his fingers against his as if savoring the touch even for the briefest moment before taking the smooth stone he gave him and attempting to skip it. His eyes flickered to the water to watch, only to see it sink before it even hit Paxton’s own record, and Dorian couldn’t help but laugh - not in a condescending, making fun of him for failing way, but in a genuine, having a good time with a friend way.

“Well, we can’t all be winners,” he teased, “Perhaps I ought to show you again?” He was pushing it this time, he knew as he scooped up yet another rock he thought was good for skipping, placed it into his throwing hand, and positioned himself so he was slightly behind Paxton so he could guide his arm to throw properly. “Here, now, don’t overthink it,” he instructed him.

[Image: dorian-signature.png]
Beautiful Set by Athena ♡ !
Paxton smiled sheepishly as Dorian laughed. He didn't know what was wrong with him. His concentration was off though to be fair, he was often distractible. Only this time, it felt like there was more to it. He was majorly focused on the other and the others movements.

Before he could say anything in response to the others teasing words, the other was positioning himself slightly behind him. He followed the others guidance even as it felt like all the moisture had left his throat. Don't overthink what?! He thought for a moment in a bit of gay panic. Oh, right. The stone skipping. He tossed the stone and smiled as he managed to at least hit the same high record he had made earlier.

"Want to go tour the resort? I know the best secret spots," well, that was probably a given since he lived there. But he didn't mind sharing with Dorian Rosier, he felt.

set by Bee!
It was an entirely odd sensation, to both feel relaxed and comfortable with a person because you were having a great time with them and you were finally calm after spending so much time being a perfectionist with schoolwork, but also feel entirely anxious because you wanted them so badly to like you and want to spend more time with you; especially because you had a very inappropriate crush on them that if they found out about it, and they didn’t feel the same, could end badly and could cost you so much in social points. If anyone here was overthinking everything right now, Dorian definitely was, but what else was new?

Dorian didn’t know if he was able to control the sudden blush in his cheeks or the lump in his throat when Paxton asked if he wanted to go on a tour of the resort, but he certainly tried his best, not wanting to embarrass himself, as he smiled at him, “Sounds like a good time.” He wondered if being alone in ‘secret spots’ with him would make him feel more calm or ten times worse, but he wasn’t about to voice those concerns. “Perhaps you can impress me more with the tour than with your pitiful rock throwing skills,” he teased lightly, still smiling at him, hoping to ease the nervous tension in himself, at the very least.

[Image: dorian-signature.png]
Beautiful Set by Athena ♡ !
Paxton watched the other intently, a little worried that Rosier would laugh him off. So he was elated when Rosier not only agreed but said sounds like a good time. There were so many cool places in the Resort that he was now more excited then nervous.

"I bet I could," Paxton said with a teasing wink. He had lived here since its very founding, after all. He knew things even long time employees might not be aware of thanks to his tendency to get into places he shouldn't be.

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