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To Father Christmas, as far as Tony is concerned

15th of July, 1893
To Professor Valenduris,

I hope this letter finds you well and I've not lost my chance to attend at Hogwarts. I confess that the posting address you gave me when you were leaving our house did not seem very real to me and I wasn't sure if I misheard, as my father all but pushed you out the door, but I decided to send it there anyway and if I'm a wizard, then this would be me performing magic and I willed the letter to get to you.

First of all, I would like to apologize about the way my parents reacted when you called upon us. It was very rude of them to call you "an agent of the devil" and I hope you didn't take terrible offence. If you did, I apologize on their behalf. They are not bad people, usually, but they think people can get magic only through working with the Devil. I suppose that is not the case, because I for sure did not strike any deals with the Devil (that I know of) and look at me, having magic. So clearly there must be another explanation to how people get their magic.

Perhaps you would like to tell me more about magic and the wizarding world? I don't live with my parents anymore, but rather with my aunt, Mrs. Margaret Pearson, at 6 Serenity Street, at Lambeth, who would have written this letter, but she wasn't sure if it would work if as non-magical she ought to have written the letter. She wanted me to ask you how I can get the items in the list included in my welcoming letter. She also wanted to know how I would get to "Hogwats", because she'd never heard of this school.

Looking forward to your letter,

Anthony Lawrence

Meserimus Valenduris

Dear Mr. Lawrence,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. Please rest assured that you have not lost your chance to attend Hogwarts; in fact, I am delighted to inform you that you are indeed a wizard, and a very talented one at that.

There is no need to apologize for your parents' reaction during my visit. I understand that the magical world can be a lot to take in for those who are unfamiliar with it. Fear and misunderstanding often lead people to react strongly when faced with something new and extraordinary. I bear no ill will towards them and hope that with time, they may come to see the magic within you for the wonderful gift that it is.

It warms my heart to hear that you are now living with your Aunt. I'm glad to know that you have a supportive and caring guardian by your side. Please convey my regards to her and let her know that it is entirely appropriate for you to have written this letter yourself, but if she has any questions she can of course write to me at my muggle non-magical address: 25 New Greenwich Road, London.

I am more than willing to tell you all about magic and the fascinating wizarding world. As for the items listed in your welcoming letter, they are magical supplies that you will need for your education at Hogwarts. I understand that you might not be familiar with these items, so do not worry. I would be more than happy to take you shopping for your school things. My daughters are also starting their first year at Hogwarts this year, and I plan to take them shopping as well. You are most welcome to join us. It would be a pleasure to assist you in any way I can.

In regards to how you will get to Hogwarts, worry not; there is a magical means of transportation specifically designed for students like yourself. It's called the Hogwarts Express, a magnificent train that departs from Platform 9¾ at King's Cross Station in London. Rest assured, you will not miss it, and once you are onboard, you'll be in the company of other eager students heading to the school. We can make specific arrangements for that, if you join us for school shopping in London.

I eagerly anticipate meeting you once again in person. You have a bright future ahead of you, Mr. Lawrence, and I am honored to be a part of your journey. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to me.

Warm regards,

Professor Meserimus Sebastian Valenduris
Deputy Headmaster, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

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[Image: CgHzljG.png]
Bee is amazing

18th of July, 1893
To Professor Valenduris,

Thank you very much for your kind words Sir. I never had a teacher be as encouraging towards me, if anything, all my teachers seemed eager to punish me and my classmates with the stick, or by having us stand in the corner on one leg, these sort of things. If all the professors at Hogwarts are like you, I am sure that I will love it!

I will be very happy to join you and your daughters for the shopping trip. Would it be possible for my Aunt Margaret and her friend, Aunt Alice, to join us, or are non-magical people not allowed at magical stores? Seeing that we didn't know magical people even existed, me and my aunt assume wizards don't go shopping at the same places as we do. In any case, my aunt would like to open an account with these stores if I am to shop there frequently. I hope it wouldn't have to be my father, as on paper he is my guardian, as he wouldn't agree to that at all. The truth is, and I hope that is okay, that my father doesn't really approve of all this, but my Aunt agreed that I should go to Hogwarts, it's best for us all. Thinking back to it, I do think I showed magic in the past. Strange things would happen to me that I thought merely a concidence. For example, when I thought I lost an item and I would think how much I want to find it, suddenly I'd find it minutes later somewhere I could swear it wasn't before. Surely that was magic, no? Or sometimes, when my books are too old or too hard to read because the letters are too small, I can swear the next time I read them the letters were bigger. But maybe it was my imagination and my eyes just got used to the small letters.

In any case, my Aunt believes that if I have magic indeed, I should learn how to use it, if anything so I don't accidentally set London ablaze because I thought I was cold and my magic decided that's how it would keep me warm. I agree with her and I am also so very curious about learning magic, that must be even more exciting than the sciences! I am sure you have explanations for why somethings happen that aren't just God's will. Was perhaps Darwin a wizard and that's how he found his discoveries?

I should probably cut this letter here, I am sure you are a very busy man and you don't have all day to answer all my musings.(*) I can't wait to meet you and your daughters for our shopping trip.

Until then,

Anthony Lawrence

* Here's where his aunt told him to cut the letter short cause "Professor Valenduris is surely a busy man, dearest, you can keep these musings for when you've started at your school."

Dear Mister Lawrence,

Thank you for your thoughtful letter. I am pleased to hear that my words have brought you encouragement and that you are looking forward to joining Hogwarts. Rest assured, our professors at Hogwarts strive to foster a positive and nurturing environment for all students, and I'm certain you will find the learning experience enjoyable.

I am delighted to have you and your Aunt Margaret join me and my daughters for the shopping trip. However, while Aunt Margaret is most welcome, her friend Aunt Alice will not be able to join us. The International Statute of Secrecy prohibits non-magical people from entering magical establishments like Diagon Alley, and that includes friends and extended family members who are not witches or wizards. This is to safeguard the secrecy of our world from the non-magical population, also known as Muggles.

But fear not, Aunt Margaret will be able to guide you through the shopping experience as she is your current guardian. We'll make sure you find everything you need for your magical education. And yes, she can certainly inquire about opening an account with the magical stores.

Regarding your experiences with magic, it does indeed sound like you have displayed signs of your magical abilities. Finding lost items and seemingly altering the size of letters in books are both examples of accidental magic, which is quite common in young witches and wizards. It's your magic responding to your subconscious desires and emotions. These manifestations often occur before a young witch or wizard even knows they are magical.

As for the great scientist Charles Darwin, I'm afraid to tell you he is not a wizard, it is true that magic often has explanations for things that may seem mysterious in the Muggle world. Magical beings and phenomena often play a role in shaping history and discoveries, but those details are hidden from the non-magical population to maintain our world's secrecy. If you have an interested in Mister Darwins work, I've included a book on magical creatures which may compliment your interest.

I assure you that there is plenty of time for us to explore all of your questions and curiosities about magic. Learning about the wizarding world and the intricacies of magic can indeed be thrilling, and I am looking forward to sharing my knowledge with you.

If it suits you and your aunt I will collect you at your Aunts home on the Xxth*

Warmest regards,

Professor Meserimus Sebastian Valenduris
Deputy Headmaster
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

*Date TBD Ooc once we know what date doesn't clash with other things.

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[Image: CgHzljG.png]
Bee is amazing

To Professor Valenduris,

Thank you very much for your letter and for the book! I love it, I think it's the best book I've ever read in my life! I can't believe there are magical animals! I suppose, it's not strange, given that there is a magical world, and wizards, but still! Dragons! I can't believe there are real dragons! How do you manage to hide them, if they're so big? Will there be a dragon at Hogwarts for me to see?

As for the proposed shopping date, it works for us, thank you, Sir. I cannot wait for our shopping trip, Aunt Margaret is also rather excited, even though she doesn't admit it. We understand about Aunt Alice, though we can assure you that she is very discreet, she will not tell anyone that I am a wizard. Neither will my parents, because they don't want to be shunned from the church. But now I wonder, what do you do if non-magical people, Muggle as you call them, find out about magic? What if my father for example decided to tell people I'm a wizard, how do you stop them?

I am also curious, how can I be a wizard if no one in my family is one? Was I cursed as a baby by another witch or wizard, to be one myself? Am I a wizard because my mother died giving birth to me?

I hope my questions are not too tiring. I also want to tell you, that I tried to make magic, by thinking hard about things, but nothing happened. My Aunt Margaret told me to wait until I go to school and I will learn everything, but now I am curious, why couldn't I make magic now, when I thought about it, but in the past, when I wasn't thinking about doing magic, I was seemingly doing magic? I also read in the book that there's some things called Incantations, and then the Incantations themselves, some Latin words. There was one about slowing down a dragon. Do we have to know Latin to do magic, Professor? I am afraid I don't know Latin, not even French. Can I do magic with English only? Aunt Alice used to be a governess, she can teach me some French if it's needed for magic.

Looking forward to your next letter,

Anthony Lawrence

Dear Mister Lawrence,

I am delighted to hear that you enjoyed the book and are excited about the magical creatures! Indeed, the wizarding world is full of wonders, and magical creatures are just one of the many fascinating aspects of it. While dragons are magnificent creatures, they are not kept at Hogwarts for practical reasons. Their size and nature make it challenging to have them within the school grounds. However, you may encounter some other magical creatures during your time at Hogwarts, so keep your eyes open for magical surprises, and your classes will certainly cover dragons.

I'm glad to hear that the proposed shopping date works for you and your Aunt Margaret. It will be a joy to have both of you join me and my daughters. Rest assured, I trust Aunt Alice's discretion.

You ask a very insightful question about being a wizard when no one in your family is one. Magical abilities can manifest in individuals regardless of their family's magical background. It is not a curse or related to your mother's passing during childbirth. The magical world is full of mysteries, and sometimes magic appears in unexpected places. It is a wonderful gift to be a part of the magical community, and I am certain that you will thrive as a wizard.

As for your attempts to perform magic, it is completely normal not to be able to consciously control your magical abilities at this stage. Young witches and wizards often display accidental magic, which happens spontaneously in moments of strong emotion or desire. Once you start your magical education at Hogwarts, you will receive proper training and guidance from your professors, which will help you understand and control your magical abilities. One of the objects you will purchase on our trip is wand, it will help you harness your abilities.

Regarding Incantations, they are indeed an essential part of performing certain spells. While some incantations use Latin words, not all spells require knowledge of Latin or any other language. There are plenty of spells that can be performed using English incantations, and you will learn them during your time at Hogwarts. So, knowing French is not necessary for performing magic. However, if Aunt Alice wishes to teach you French, it can be a valuable skill in life, and you may find it useful in other magical pursuits. You will find other students with the ability to speak french at Hogwarts.

I hope this clarifies some of your queries, Anthony. Your curiosity and eagerness to learn are commendable, and I look forward to answering any more questions you have. Until then, keep your excitement alive, and I am eager to meet you and your Aunt Margaret for our shopping adventure!

Best regards,

Professor Meserimus Sebastian Valenduris
Deputy Headmaster,
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

[Image: CgHzljG.png]
Bee is amazing

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