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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Eirabella Rosier
Full Name: Eirabella Marie Rosier
Nicknames: Bella
Birthdate: May 25, 1880
Current Age: 12
Gender: Female
Occupation: Second Year Student
Reputation: 10
Eirabella hasn't done anything to garner any attention and her father's indiscretion is not public
Residence: Rosier Manor, in the countryside near Yorkshire
Hogwarts House:Slytherin
Wand: Willow, 11", bendy, veela hair
Blood Status: Pure
Social Class: Upper
Victor Rosier | Father
Narcisse Rosier | Mother, deceased
Elisabeth Rosier | Sister, twin
The biggest difference between Bella and her twin is Bella's height. While built much the same Bella has always been an inch to two inches taller than her twin at any time. She hates how tall she is and curls in on herself because of this, doing everything she can to seem smaller. At almost five foot two inches Bella desperately wishes and prays that she will stop growing. At least she has her mother and sister's coloring with her blond hair and blue eyes, but she rather wishes she hadn't so many freckles. Bella likes pretty things and gowns, but usually is more influenced by her twin's fashion and beauty tips than her own. Honestly, wearing her Hogwarts robes seem a relief to her. She weilds her wand in her left hand like her sister.
Playby: Raffey Cassidy
In May of 1880 Bella and her twin sister are born. After a few precious moments with their mother that neither remember, they are parted from her forever by the cruel fate of death. This cloud of gloom seems something Bella internalizes as she cries and cries and cries as a baby. Her toddler years she follows her twin's lead but is often the one to cry when things go wrong. Not scream. Just cry. Her first display of magic is crying so hard that she ends up floating in a pool of water in the nursery - a pool that certainly wasn't there before.
When in 1886 she is told they will move she bursts into inconsolable tears, which had a tendency to get her way when it came to the adults, although she would be the first to admit she didn't cry on demand ("my soul demands I cry" she once told a nanny). Elisabeth screams and throws a fit and Bella cries. Neither daughter is able to sway their father and so they are packed off to a foreign country with the rest of the household. Bella quietly resents this and determines that she shall never never accept being in england. In fact she spends the first few months refusing to speak to speak english to anyone and to  her father at all.
She doesn't want to like England, but moving to their manor in 1887 is a balm to her soul. Although when her father begins courting the next year Bella feels as if the house was for him trying to replace their family rather than for the delight of his daughters and begins to resent the house.
While Hogwarts is no Académie de Magie Beauxbâtons it is at least not home so Bella is excited to go in the fall of 1891. It will be her and Elisabeth against the world (or at least against their father). Somewhat to her surprise she is sorted into Slytherin with her twin. At least father still hasn't found a bride.
Diaster strikes in 1892 when their father announces his plans to marry. Elisabeth dreads going home in the summer of 1893 when she will have to face this new stepmother, she is sure she will be absolutely terrible and that Elisabeth and her will officially be forgotten like old dolls placed in the attic.
Personality: Bella has always felt she has lived in her twin's shadow. She doesn't mind it this way, she'd rather the attention be on Elisabeth rather than herself. She actively tries to shrink in on herself, not just physically, but also socially. She goes along with whatever her twin says, often seeming more a shadow to her twin than a person herself.
While Bella's personality is more maliable than her twin's (often shaped by her twin), this does not mean that Bella has no personality of her own. She is prone to think of things as half empty, when angered she becomes sullen and untalkative, and has a tendency toward jumping to dramatic conclusions.
Bella is also curious. She loves learning new things both academically and socially. Indeed, she loves whispering gossip with Elisabeth more than anything else. She doesn't care so much about being the best (because, after all, Elisabeth will always be the best so why would she even try) but rather more about the knowing of something. Which in the end often translates to a desire to do very well in all her subjects and socially. Perhaps this is why she was placed in Slytherin because if she were honest she thinks she is the least Slytherin that has ever been sorted in Slytherin. Wouldn't she have made a much better Ravenclaw?
Other: Bella is fluent in French and English. She also does well in Potions, Transfiguration, and Charms.
Sample Roleplay Post: At least a paragraph. Only required for first or canon characters.
Name: Fallin
Age: 31
Contact: Anywhere, everywhere
Other Characters: *hides face*
How did you hear about us?: *whistles*

The following 3 users Like Eirabella Rosier's post:
   Basil Foxwood, Dorian Rosier, Elisabeth Rosier
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