May 13, 1893 - The Annual Potts House
It was the perfect spring day, Caroline thought as she promenaded down the path of the English Garden on Evander's arm. Behind them the nurse wheeled Lillian in her pram as the group inspected the flowers. Caroline was proud of the picture they presented. She had worn a new silk gown of blue green striped with white with a marching parasol, gown and parasol lined in Brussels lace. She had been waiting for such an occasion to wear it and flower show was the perfect opportunity.
Everywhere she looked were gorgeous flowers. "Oh Evander, look!" She pointed (yet again) at another flower. These dahlias were in vibrant colors, larger than normal varieties, their spiky petals swayed in the gentle breeze. She had just fixed her gaze on a bright red one when she noticed the frogs nestled in the petals. Grinning, Caroline stepped to peer at the queer sight, letting go of her husband's arm in the process.
At the same instance, however, a brigade of gnomes came dashing across the path entirely unnoticed by the party at large until they were under Evander's feet.
Evander Darrow