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Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Tucked Beneath the Pines
Her arm felt cold when Alice withdrew, even through the fabric of her sleeves. She said something wrong and she wasn't sure what. Was Alice offended that she'd reacted that way to the idea of Edison and Calla as a couple or did she just not believe Calla that she wasn't interested? As much as she wasn't sure she could answer Alice's questions, she hated seeing her shut down even more. It felt like their fifth year all over again and after the past summer and all the letters they'd exchanged, Calla had thought they were past that. But apparently not when it was Calla's fault Alice was shutting her out again. Sharp pain streaked through her hands as Calla's nails dug into her palms at the realization, leaving red crescents in her skin. Somehow it was always her. When it came to their relationship, it was always Calla messing things up.

"Alice! Wait, please!" Desperate, Call hurried forwards, reaching out to try and catch a grip on the other girl's wrist like if she could physically hold Alice here it would as well force her to listen. "I shouldn't have reacted that way I'm sorry. Please, I'm not lying. I am really not interested in Ned. That isn't why I reacted that way. Please don't shut me out. Please, Alice, please. I'll tell you whatever you want to know."

[Image: SQXZU54.png]
look at the pretties mj made me!!!
Calla's desperate calls stopped Alice in her tracks. She didn't realize their fight from last year still troubled Calla like this but in hindsight she ought to have. "I didn't want to make you uncomfortable by pushing the subject," she quickly replied, squeezing her friend's hand comfortingly. "I wanted to keep enjoying the day with you."

She didn't entirely believe that Calla wasn't interested in Edison, either. Her reaction was too sullen, too stunned, to make sense otherwise. However, the issue was obviously not one they were going to work through in its entirety. "It's okay, we're fine. I promise."

Amazing set by Bee!
[Image: V14YYm.png]
Calla's shoulders dropped almost instantly as Alice took her hands, not detecting any of the sugar coatings that the girls had done in the prior year within Alice's words. The relief that Alice wasn't mad, that Calla hadn't just wrecked what they'd spent the past months building was so strong it was palatable. She hadn't been aware of just how tense she'd been just moments prior until she'd relaxed a little. But still, she knew what Alice was saying but the fear was still there. She didn't want to push the issue aside for another day and risk letting it fester.

"I'm not... uncomfortable," the sixth year corrected, looking down towards their hands rather than meeting her friend's eyes. "I'm not sure really what I am." Words were hard when she could only understand her feelings in vague contexts. She knew what she was feeling but not what it meant. "I think I was jealous. But not of you. Of Ned. I don't know. Everything is like a big confusing mess. Like I know we'll both be married one day and it is silly and selfish but I guess I was upset that someone else got more of your att-. Oh." Calla cut off abruptly with an expression on her face like something had just occurred to her and the realization made her shifty.

That was what that feeling was.

She liked Alice.

The same way Alice had just told her she liked Edison.

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   Alice Dawson, Daffodil Grimstone

[Image: SQXZU54.png]
look at the pretties mj made me!!!
At first, Alice struggled to follow what Calla meant by being jealous of Edison. She had been jealous of Sloane for a brief period of time, then Sisse for announcing her crush on Edison first. But those were both other women, not men. Those were the proper people to be jealous of in those situations as anything else was -

And then it clicked like the last gear of an engine slipping into place.

Alice instantly knew of the confusion Calla mentioned because she too had experienced it. The kiss with Sloane had derailed her thoughts for months and damaged their friendship permanently as Alice couldn't quite put into words how she felt. And now Calla felt that way. Calla felt that confusion and fear. Alice gripped her friend's hand tighter, refusing to let go for even a moment.

"It's okay. I understand." Alice said gently, almost as though she were talking to a frightened animal.

Amazing set by Bee!
[Image: V14YYm.png]
Then it was like Calla was trying to look anywhere but Alice but also she had to force herself to make eye contact and act like nothing was wrong. It was like she was drowning in conflicting feelings. Sure she'd finally realized what that nagging feeling she'd been having for the past... past year that she had any time she'd even thought about Alice. Why she'd been so hurt when Alice had told her that she was going to leave and why her visits to the Dawson farm and Alice's letters felt like the best thing in the world. But Alice had literally just told her that she and Edison had an understanding and between just now and the letters Alice had sounded so genuinely happy that even if Calla knew her feelings how could she say anything? Do anything? It would make her an absolutely horrible friend to try to disrupt Alice's happiness. Besides Alice and Calla were both women. That wasn't a thing. What would even come of it even if Calla did say something?

She wanted to pull away. Touching Alice felt like a hot branding iron but the other girl had gripped her hand too hard for Calla to pull away, not without risking hurting Alice. Which she couldn't do. "It is fine. I'm fine, Alice," the brunette argued, looking up away from their joined hands finally. She hated the idea that Alice would be bothered by her now. Grossed out or feel the need to pity her. "I know I promised you a tour but I'm feeling a bit cold. I should have brought a different jacket. Why don't we go get a hot chocolate or something and I can show you around another day?"

[Image: SQXZU54.png]
look at the pretties mj made me!!!
It wasn't fine. Alice was both close enough to Calla and aware of her current struggles to recognize Calla was far from fine. However, the openness of the zoo was hardly a suitable place to discuss either (if they ever were to discuss it further, anyway) and Alice didn't wish to further spoil the visit. "Hot chocolate sounds great," she answered, her smile small but genuine. "Maybe we can bother Mr. Honeyduke for some sweets too."

Amazing set by Bee!
[Image: V14YYm.png]
Watching Alice, she wasn't a hundred percent sure if her friend sure she was ready to give it up but she art last wasn't going to pursue it here which Calla supposed she should take. She needed time to process what she'd just discovered. Well to process and figure out what she was going to do about it. The was a sickening pit opening in her stomach. Now that she knew what the feeling was, she couldn't convince herself she'd forget with distance. That clearly hadn't worked now. And goodness forbid she could tell Alice or do anything about even if Alice so seemingly knew. Her friend had just confessed to being happy with someone else. She wasn't going to break that her own feelings be doomed.

"Ohh yes please." What she wouldn't for a chocolate frog right now. She smiled back - well it probably came across more as a grimace but she tried which was all that counted, right? Not waiting for Alice to respond, Calla moved to drop Alice's hand andnturn back towards the entrance where the floo was.

[Image: SQXZU54.png]
look at the pretties mj made me!!!

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