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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
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Holly & Ivy
An incredulous look grew over the young witch's face. A tutor for Potions class? Millie had never thought about it, and now that she did, the young witch wasn't sure about it. It didn't seem entirely fair to the tutor, unless they had been tutored in the material as well. Otherwise, Millie felt she would simply be taking all their hard work instead of working hard herself. Her hair shook a little as she answered honestly, "I never thought about a tutor...I think I just need to apply myself better. Maybe if that doesn't work."

Her parents thought it would work, and they were probably right. Millie knew she spent too much time in her novels and stealing moments away to her trees. If she would just focus on her coursework, she'd be the best witch at Hogwarts. Besides, the young witch already had started applying herself, like with the dueling tournament. "There's a dueling club?" She paused, her thumb rubbing over the links of her necklace chain. "I think I'll join that when I go back. As long as..."

As long as her father wouldn't learn about it, he might not see it the same way Millie did.

"Oh, please!" She nearly jumped up with a shout, a wan smile growing under a set of warm cheeks. Her eyes searched the room until Millie located the goodies in the kitchen, and they lit up in a renewed sense of the holiday's cheer. Growing mindful of herself once more, the young witch clasped her hands together, bouncing them slightly against her belly as she took a step toward the kitchen and its promise of hot cocoa. She eyed her cousin's glass of cider, then took another step away from the intensely decorated parlor.

The young witch nimbly avoided the older adults in the path between her and the kitchen treats, weaving to and fro between their clusters of conversation. Her arms bounced lightly as her feet stepped as softly as she could, making little sound to avoid drawing the attention of her aunts or mother. She made her way to the hot cocoa, hesitating for a moment to let her eyes soak up the rich texture of the chocolately liquid. Even its smells were sweet!

Millie busied herself with pouring a glass —as full as she dared!— of the hot cocoa. With the knowledge of hot cocoa awaiting between the palms of her hands, the young witch looked around to see if Daffy had followed, or who else was in reach of conversation. If no one else appeared, she thought she might get to know some of the treats decorating the kitchen counters today.

"Merry Christmas!" She said, either to her relative or her next sweet ambition for the day.

[Image: uHwnE8q.png]
His warm hand reached out and Dahlia found her own gloved hands slipping into his without a second thought. Their entwined grasp like a calm in the storm that swirled through her mind, it anchored them together and reassured her. "Of course." Dahlia's words were bright as her stomach leapt slightly.

A conversation alone with Quin, it could only mean good things, right? Perhaps he had brought her a Christmas gift? Or maybe he wanted to check up on her? Or perhaps.... her chest constricted at the thought, perhaps he wanted to tell her he did not fancy her the way she fancied him and that he had only come this evening out of pity. No. No, she was not going to think that way. He'd arrived, his hand was holding her own as he led her through the room, his face hardly seemed one of anything other than happiness. No, she thought again. It was Christmas, a time for magic and happiness. She was not going to dwell on a scolding unless a scolding absolutely happened.

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   Millie Potts

[Image: sgrDsA2.png]
Pretties by Bee <3
With one eye on the boys, Daff's smile softened toward Millie. "There's nothing wrong with needing a little help. I did," It had turned into something much, much more than tutoring, but that was irrelevant at the moment and far in the past as well. "I'm sure you'll figure it all out." Millie was bright, she would make it all work in time. Perhaps Calla could give her a gentle nudge. Being a little older and with a fairly wide network of friends, certainly her youngest sister would be able to help.

At the mention of the cocoa, Millie scampered off toward the kitchen and Daff hadn't even started to follow before her cousin was out of sight. Unsure as to whether or not she was meant to follow, she figured her cousin could handle it. Which left her wavering in what to do with herself now. She watched with an intrigued smile as Mr. Honeyduke and Dahlia excused themselves, but could only speculate. Zinnia had gone to accompany Miss Thompsett and Daff had half a mind to lure Thistle into the thick of things, but the pull to go interrupt Jack and Elias was also strong.

She felt a little silly standing by herself now, but Daff hesitated on what to do. It would be kind of her to save Elias from the full force of her family without her, but in the same breath, wondered how he would do surrounded by her family. Still the lure of spending time with him, even if she had to share, was what wound up making the choice for her. And so she took a moment to finish her cider, giving them a couple more minutes before she decided to interrupt.

Daff sidled up to Jack, resting her free hand and her chin on his shoulder as she smiled at Elias. "Gentlemen," Though she hadn't given them a lot of time, she was curious to know how things had gone so far. "I'm glad you made it," She mused, still smiling at Elias. Hopefully that would eliminate any questions from Jack as to why he was here. "I see you've met our honorary Potts, my father's favorite as the only boy." The fact that Jack had simply been absorbed into the Potts family after their first year was no secret, but Daff wasn't sure she'd explained as much to Elias in so many words.

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   Elias Grimstone, Jack Dorset, Millie Potts

[Image: Daff-Sig95.png]
Grinning at her, Zinnia sat down next to her in a flurry of skirts and smiles, her hands tucking into her lap. She tossed another look over her shoulder to make sure Calla hadn’t come down yet, but she must still be getting ready or finishing up whatever she’d been doing before. (Zin wasn’t even sure she was in the house, but she wouldn’t skip the party if she knew that her friend was coming.)

She tucked a loose curl behind her hair. “I’m Zinnia. It’s nice to meet you Sisse, although Calla has spoken about you.” Zin smiled at her as her fingers curled further in her lap as she looked around the party; there were a lot of people here, especially considering all of her sisters had brought someone with them. It was odd to think that some of them could be (were already?) courting someone, and that wedding bells could be in the future. “It is. Christmas is probably my favorite holiday.” Although not her favorite season — she much preferred Spring.

“Have you had Mr. Honeyduke’s hot cocoa? It’s divine.”

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   Millie Potts

[Image: dXN9cvh.png]
Set by the lovely Lady<3

Jack Dorset. Jack Dorset. Not a minute of being here, and he was befuddled already – this didn’t bode well, but Elias tried to brush off the thought and just shook the younger man’s hand.

“That’s right,” he agreed easily, on the broommaking – that, at least, was one thing he was confident of. He was sure he knew Dorset’s face from somewhere around Hogsmeade, but he couldn’t pin down precisely how. And he knew the Potts sisters were all sisters, so that meant either he was someone’s guest particularly, or perhaps a cousin. Dorset could be related, Elias supposed, with his general colouring, but he didn’t look out of the age range for one of the younger sisters, as far as he could tell – and he was dressed rather smartly, too.

Now that they’d shaken hands, Elias dropped his and covertly adjusted the cuffs of his jacket sleeves, hoping he didn’t notice any more marks to add to the one he’d spotted earlier. There was a fine line between trying too hard and not trying at all, and with all of Daffy’s family here... “And what do you do?” Elias added brightly, forcing himself to focus on the conversation at hand rather than seeking out Daff in the room. “Are you here for someone too, or are you family?”

But before he had an answer to that, here came Daff after all – and she was certainly awfully familiar with Jack Dorset, as it turned out. “Of course,” Elias murmured, supposing she meant that for him – a smile for her particularly broke through his general air of bemusement, at least. And an explanation followed on her heels. “Ah, I see,” Elias added, to Dorset. Sort of family, then, and not quite a fellow outsider (but her father’s favourite still, er, carried some weight in the first impressions game, so he couldn’t relax entirely either way). “Pleased to meet you, at any rate. I take it, then, that this isn’t your first time here?” he asked, with a half-joking laugh – but if Daffy hadn’t been standing right there, he might have used the opportunity to fish for some counsel. Ah, well. Muddling through would have to do.

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   Daffodil Grimstone, Millie Potts

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3
She rubbed her fingers together, staring disdainfully at the brown streaks glaring back at her. They might have been hardly noticeable but to the young witch, who was forced to look at her own fingers daily. In her hazel eyes, she spied hardly a napkin in sight, spurring them to roll crudely at the state of her misfortune. In that case, Millie decided, she was going to take another piece of the fudge.

Now the chocolate stains were more obvious, prompting the youngest of the Potts relatives to take a step back from the desserts table. She took hold of her cocoa with both hands, curling her fingers as close to the scalding hot cup as she dared to hide them from view.

"Mildred?" Her mother's voice drifted across the kitchen, stopping the young witch in her tracks. If she continued to turn away, her dirty fingers would be discovered for certain. Her mother's voice came wafting along, settling lighter than expected, "Did you try some of the fudge?"

Millie struggled not to show the relief on her face and shoulders. "Yes mum."

"And do you have anything to say to your cousin for making it?" The young witch perked up, grateful for the easy task that would send her from prying eyes. She paused a moment too long, leaving her mother to clarify. "Dahlia?"

"I'll go find her." She gave her mum a reassuring smile, and a quick nod, stepping as lightly and quickly as she could from the kitchen's grasp. Her grin broadened at making her escape so easily, and as Millie passed from views of her other relatives —and some invited guests— she sucked the fudgy evidence of sloppiness from her fingers. Sugar only lightened the young witch's steps, making her only a little sad there was not enough hallway left to skip for the remainder.

Her shoes tamped down on the floors outside of the small sitting room, stopping short before she could intrude. The young witch felt her mouth droop, and her cheeks burned with the sudden realization that she was violating her cousin's private moment. With a whirl of her skirts, Millie spun to head the other way, slipping through the kitchen again without drawing the ire of her mother or any other aunts. Breathless with her second escape for the day, the young witch bit her lip to keep the brimming news from spilling out of her.

The young witch wended her way to the couch by the fire, thinking she could slip in with her cousin's chatter to forget her own. Millie managed to catch the last of Zinnia's words, and raised her cup full of hot cocoa in salute to its divinity. "It really is!"

Millie had nearly forgotten about it all this time, with the near-miss from her mother and the sight she'd caught outside the small parlor. The drink was still hot, but wouldn't scald her lips any longer. She had to restrain herself from drinking more at once, but then the urge to share came rushing back to her. The young witch tried to busy herself by finding a seat on the couch, offering a polite smile to Sisse Thompsett as well. She only really knew her cousin's friend by sight. "Merry Christmas, Miss Thompsett, Zin-Zin."

Even sitting couldn't stem the tide of her excitement, despite how much the young witch tried at it. Her hot cocoa was nearly drained, and she had shifted in her seat a dozen times. Millie wrestled with her desire to share her burden over preserving the privacy of her cousin's moment. Her eyes glanced up to Zinnia before turning away, certain that her cousin could read the secret straight from her eyes if she let her.

Millie couldn't possibly let this one slip from her tongue.

[Image: uHwnE8q.png]
Ah, so this was Zinnia. Sisse was glad to finally put the name to the stories she had heard and also to know who she was speaking with. "A pleasure." She demurred.

"Oh indeed, I was just thinking of getting a second cup." Sisse agreed as their group was joined by Millie Potts. She knew the younger girl mainly by reputation but that didn't stop the friendly smile on her lips as she greeted her with a head nod and a cheerful, "Hello Miss Potts!" There were an awful lot of Miss Potts around here. Although she supposed there really was only two Miss Potts, but she sadly couldn't recall which in each branch of the family was the oldest unmarried to carry the name.

[Image: pz52Pi2.png]
Thank you Bee <3 Your magic has made Sisse bloom
Did everyone know? Dahlia wondered as she led Quin back into the main parlor. Could they tell by her smile alone? Or by the fact that she felt as if she were floating? Or maybe it was the fact that Quin was escorting her, her hand gently resting on his arm.

She scanned the pockets of relatives and guests around the room before leading Quin toward Zinnia, beaming as she made her way, hoping Zinnia might realize that something had happened since she had comforted her by the window. "Miss Thompsett, Millie," She turned to Zin, "Zinnia, may I introduce you to Mr. Honeyduke?" Did she share the news now? No, she wanted to keep it to herself for just a bit and ... well she didn't want to scare Quin off by excitedly spilling the news. This was closed doors and excitement type news.

She turned to Quin, his name on her lips before she caught herself on the familiarity of it, "Mr. Honeyduke, this is my older sister Miss Zinnia Potts. My cousin, Miss Millie Potts, and our friend, Miss Thompsett." She smiled at each of them before adding, "Have you seen Calla yet?" She had expected to see her with her friend, Miss Thompsett, but looking around she realized she hadn't spotted her younger sister for quite a while.

[Image: sgrDsA2.png]
Pretties by Bee <3
She was late. Late, late. She didn't need to glance at her pocket watch to tell her that but she did need it to tell her how late. She'd slipped out of the hustle of preparations earlier in the day to find a moment of quiet with her sketchbook in the greenhouse (she'd been working on a project for Herbology and her own botanical-themed doodles once she'd gotten bored of that.) but she lost track of time. And now Calla smelled of earth and the white lace that had trimmed the edges of her sleeves were tinted brown but she had no time to clean up. Not when Sisse had likely already arrived. Oh snap, she'd left Sisse alone hadn't she? Scrambling up - and leaving her sketchbook in her haste - it was a tangled rush out the door and across the snowy lawn as she tried desperately to brush at least some of the dirt off her dress before sliding through the backdoor, through the kitchen, and into the parlor when all the voices could be heard.

"I'm right here!" she called in reply to Dally, not paying too much mind to the collection of guests around her as she threw herself on the couch beside Sisse. Frankly, she really hadn't been paying any mind to who had been invited at all throughout the planning. "Sorry I'm late. I lost track of time." At least she had the good graces to sound sheepish. Twisting she bumped her arm against her friend's in a silent, personal apology at the same time she smiled gratefully to Zinnia for keeping her friend occupied.

It was only then she turned to look at those gathered in the room. Jack wasn't a shock. It would've been more of a shock if he wasn't here. And then there was a man near Daffy and Jack that she didn't recognize. Who was that? And then... "Mr. Honeyduke?"

[Image: SQXZU54.png]
look at the pretties mj made me!!!
Things seemed to happen in a flurry before she could even open her mouth to agree with Sisse that a second cup sounded wonderful; Millie came over in a flurry and couldn’t seem to sit still which only meant she was dying to say something. The fact that her cousin wouldn’t meet her gaze only confirmed her suspicions. If they weren’t surrounded by family (and friends) she might have tried to get her to squeal, but instead she allowed her lips to curl into a smile.

“Merry Christmas Mills.” Zin glanced at her cousin before adding, “Don’t burn your tongue.” Because now she was dying to know what Millie had heard and from who. Her eyes rested on Dahlia who was coming over with Mr. Honeyduke and her smile brightened. Was this finally it? Was this what her cousin knew? Zinnia had known before any of them that this was coming. Her sister was absolutely beaming and she swallowed a squeal herself.

Instead she shot to her feet before she smoothed out her dress. Zin eyed her sister, I told you so somewhere in her expression, before she turned her full attention to the man in front of her. She opened her mouth to greet him when her youngest sister came bursting in, and Zinnia couldn’t help but giggle because the chaos that came with the Potts family was her personal favorite - there never seemed to be a dull moment amongst them. She turned toward Calla and grinned at her; Sisse seemed like a nice enough person and she was glad to see that her sister had someone she was close with.

“Well, it’s only natural that the man who made the divine cocoa that’s been the talk of the evening show up.” Zin took a small step back. “I’m glad you could come tonight.” She turned her attention back toward Dally and cocked her head to the side; she didn’t want to spill her secret (or at least the one that she thought had happened? Maybe she was just excited the man was here after worrying he wouldn't show), but at the same time she was dying to talk to her.

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   Millie Potts

[Image: dXN9cvh.png]
Set by the lovely Lady<3

The not-nerves flared up a little bit as he was led back into the room with Dahlia on his arm. Subconsciously he squeezed a little tighter. From what he knew of the Potts family, they were quite outgoing and very welcoming, and two of the sisters were contentedly married, so this was not their first rodeo. Still, meeting the rest of them all in one night was a bit daunting. Not to mention he still had to figure out what Elias and that other young chap were doing here. That would be his next order of business, certainly.

For now, he plastered an easy smile on his lips (which wasn't all that hard) as he was introduced to the ladies near the sofa. "Miss Zinnia, Miss Millie, Miss Thompsett—" A couple of faces he recognized from the school visitation days, but that was it. As another one joined them, Quin could only assume this was Miss Calla. "A pleasure to meet you. I'm glad the cocoa is up to snuff." It was one of his specialties, but it was nice to hear they were enjoying it. "Thank you indeed for letting me join you tonight." He added for good measure.

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   Millie Potts

[Image: Quin-Sig-New.png]
Millie had to lean out to catch sight of her youngest —and closest to her own age— cousin joining them, risking a glance over at Calla as briefly as she could. Did anyone else know? The young witch tightened her lips, only glancing down mournfully at Sissie Thompsett's mention of a second cup of hot cocoa. She wanted to ask for another, or join the sixth-year on her quest. Only that would mean opening her mouth, or wading back through the kitchen full of adults. Millie knew there was no way she could keep her guilty conscience from the rest of her family if she did that.

She tried to busy herself rearranging her skirts instead, piling the gingham skirt so its pleats would lie carefully across her knees without bunching. Then her cousin stood up so quickly that Millie nearly lost her grip on the cup, rattling her concentration. A new pair of figures was before them already, silently proclaiming the couch to be the most popular locale in the Potts house today. Her hazel eyes looked up to see Dahlia there, greeting her, and introducing her to...

The young witch had to swallow hard before she choked on her last sip of the hot cocoa, barely catching the name of Honeyduke on her cousin's lips. The way Dahlia said it, the way she practically glowed brought a crimson fire to Millie's own cheeks. Even without meaning to, Millie realized that she must have invited this confrontation as so much of a test to her own willpower. Dahlia was counting on her not to reveal her secret!

Millie wasn't even certain if Dahlia was aware of her cousin's sacred knowledge!

Dahlia had smiled at her, that must be her answer. The young witch nodded as meaningfully as she could, reassuring her cousin. Of course the secret was safe with her. All Millie had to do was keep it to herself for the rest of the party. Perhaps at home she could pass it quietly to her mother, or ask Dorothea if she should. Until then, the young witch decided and furrowed her brow in deep concentration, she would stick to what she learned in her etiquette forms. A simple greeting, a compliment to the man her cousin was meeting with in private —no, don't think about that part!— and a quick curtsy would do it.

She managed to stand, her skirts rustling with only half a mind paying them attention. Millie reached down to smooth them, trying to let it double as a curtsy with the dip of her head. Her eyes caught the cup in her hands, and her spirits soared, knowing she had the power to succeed today. A brilliant smile lit her lips, and the young witch opened them to mention just how wonderful the hot cocoa was and that she would love nothing more than to take a second helping if only to savor the taste for the whole ride home.

"Merry Christmas, Mr. Honeyduke. When are you going to marry my cousin?"

Millie was struck dumb at the sound of the voice speaking those words, hardly believing it could be her own.

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   Quincey Honeyduke, Zinnia Gallagher

[Image: uHwnE8q.png]
Another of Calla's sisters approached, this one Sisse knew from school and smiled warmly at her. Dahlia Potts had been a few years older than them but she was always kind and had never looked down at discussing things with Sisse. She brought with her Mr. Honeyduke who Sisse knew from sight and reputation alone.

She was just murmuring, "A pleasure." With a head nod to the gentleman when Calla came in in a rush. It was amazing how much more comfortable Sisse felt with Calla beside her, a gentle arm nudge as if she had been late to dinner or a club meeting.

Sisse was just thinking what to add to the conversation when Millie surprised her, her eyes widened and her eyes latched on to Dahlia's face. Calla would have told her Dahlia was engaged, wouldn't she have?

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   Millie Potts

[Image: pz52Pi2.png]
Thank you Bee <3 Your magic has made Sisse bloom
"And Calla." Dahlia added to her introductions. "My younger sister." By the hassled state of her Dahlia could easily believe Calla had lost track of time, nevertheless Dahlia tried to keep the frown from her face especially when she noticed the dirt on Calla's skirts. "This is Mr. Honeyduke." Dahlia completed the introduction as Calla spoke his name at the same time.

Introductions complete, and trying not to blush at the look Zinnia was giving her, Dahlia was just about to lead Quin to the next group of family members when Millie's question stopped her.

Any blush Dahlia had been keeping at bay sprung to her cheeks, the back of her neck. She was hot all over as if everyone were looking at her. "Millie!" She gasped, horror spreading over her face as she glared at her younger cousin, trying not to let her mouth hang open in shock. She had no idea what to say and could barely glance at Quin. Peeking up at him from under her eyelashes Dahlia tried to brave it, "I'm so sorry." The words quivered. She wanted to remove her hand from his arm but was terrified to draw his attention to the fact it was still there in the first place, which left her standing rather like a statue - a rosy red statue at that.

The following 2 users Like Dahlia Honeyduke's post:
   Daffodil Grimstone, Millie Potts

[Image: sgrDsA2.png]
Pretties by Bee <3
Zin smiled at Mr. Honeyduke as she inclined her head toward him; as long as her sister kept beaming like she was, she wouldn’t have a problem with him coming to these events. She was terribly protective over her younger sisters. Figuring that Dally would move on to the next group of family members now that she’d introduced her guest, she settled back onto the couch with her hands wrapped around a cup of cocoa to await the next conversation that would come up. She figured it would go toward Hogwarts, given that she was now surrounded by three students, but never in her did she think Millie would be so brazen.

Zinnia wheezed as she nearly choked on her own spit. Her eyes widened and they instantly flicked over toward Dahlia, who looked absolutely mortified. She wasn’t sure there was anything she could say or do in that moment to ease the embarrassment. She had half a mind to knock a drink out of someone’s hand to quickly change the subject, but that would be even more obvious and probably make things more awkward than they already were.

Stepping forward, she placed her hands gingerly against Millie’s shoulders; she leaned close to her cousin, talking more to her than the others. “Millie darling, I know you’re excited Mr. Honeyduke is here, but it’s improper to ask such a question.” She patted her cousin’s shoulder. “Besides, we don’t even know if they’re courting yet, and if they are it’s not your news to share.” Hopefully Dahlia would stop turning a hundred shades of red. She smiled down at Millie as Zinnia stepped next to her.

The following 3 users Like Zinnia Gallagher's post:
   Daffodil Grimstone, Dahlia Honeyduke, Millie Potts

[Image: dXN9cvh.png]
Set by the lovely Lady<3

Everything sort of happened in rapid succession after Miss Calla's appearance. Quin, ever the easygoing sort of guy that he was, happened to be able to roll with the punches and he didn't even flinch at Miss Millie's very abrupt question. The ladies around him looked a little scandalized, but it wasn't a completely irrational question.

And so— Quin passed her a quick wink and hopefully what was a reassuring smile to everyone else. "If I don't manage to screw it up somehow." His track record really wasn't that great, but this felt different this time, easier. Hopefully he didn't jinx it.

His joke however, probably needed a little explaining, but he wasn't sure how Dahlia wanted to handle it. He wasn't very good with sibling dynamics, though she always spoke fondly of her sisters, he just didn't have a personal frame of reference. Starting off with a fib didn't seem like the right route though, so instead he stated, "We'll start the proper way, with courting first though, I suppose." This time he passed a little smile to Dahlia, hoping to put her a little at ease.

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   Dahlia Honeyduke, Millie Potts

[Image: Quin-Sig-New.png]

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