October 25, 1879 - Hogwarts Grounds (Fall term, Sixth Year)
The past couple of months had been interesting at best. Vince could still feel the chemical charge between them, the tension palpable, on certain days when they strayed just a touch too close to the line. He could still remember the feeling of Cass touching him, over him, under him and everywhere in between. When their hands brushed, when he accidentally dropped his head into the other’s lap like before, Vince could feel the shivers rolling up and down his spine. He knew Cass could feel it too. He was too stoic, too buttoned up to relax and every time it happened Vince wanted to kick himself over again for ruining what easy camaraderie they’d once had.
Today, as the Slytherin stormed out over the grounds, book tucked under his arm, he wasn’t particularly looking for anything or anyone. He just needed to get the hell out of there before he set Alair on fire and let him burn to death. It was coincidence then that he came across none other than Mr. Lissington, curled under a big oak on the far side of the grounds. It was a secluded little place, away from prying eyes which was why Vince liked it so much. He was surprised to find that the other even knew of it.
“Oh, hi,” the Slytherin intoned awkwardly. He scratched the back of his head and tucked the book in his hands behind his back, just out of sight. He didn’t often share with others his love of the muggle authors he adored. For obvious reasons. (This tomb in particular was enchanted to look like an herbology text, but Vincent couldn’t help feel self-conscious anyway.) Eying Lissington, he scuffed a foot into the dirt. “Do you er— mind if I join you?” He asked.
The awkwardness of knowing someone, of having shared intimacies with them but not really being… well, friends, was a strange thing to navigate. Vince liked to think he and Lissington were trending towards friendship though? He had found himself spending more time with the Hufflepuff beyond just their rendezvous as of late, confiding in him even. Most importantly though, the other seemed to… genuinely like him? Vince wasn’t used to the feeling and so it put him on alert. Still, it was nice to have someone to sit with at breakfast. Green eyes appraised the redhead. Vince hoped he didn’t feel stifled, even as a small voice in the back of his own head screamed that he was being greedy.
![[Image: vincesig.gif]](https://sig.grumpybumpers.com/host/vincesig.gif)
i desire very little but the things i do consume me