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Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Marriage Mart 2k21
Yassine Bensouda
36 | Beauxbatons | UCPB | Rep 6
Coach for the Montrose Magpies

Coach for the Moroccan national team who stuck around to take on the British quidditch league. He's not in a rush to settle down, but wouldn't mind a fun foreign wife - and, in the meantime, he likes parties.

What They're Looking For
  • UCAB, maybe MCAB. PB in theory but he likes being a disappointment to his father.
  • 18-28.
  • Strong society and/or quidditch connections.
  • Fun at parties.
  • Cares about quidditch, or can pretend to.

What I'm Looking For
  • Someone who can endure his ego.
  • Honestly I don't care if she hates quidditch, this will infuriate him but maybe he'll deal.
  • Someone already ~attached to someone else he will flirt with anyway.

Also Open To
  • Whatever!

Contact Elias Grimstone or via skype

Octavia Fawley
18 | Hufflepuff, Class of '90 | UCPB | Rep 10

A romantic at heart, Octavia Rose might lean a bit towards smothering with those she cares about but means well. She's never really met a stranger and would give you the clothes off her back if asked for but in turn is a bit naive and oblivious to those trying to use her or any kind of danger. While not selfish, she tends to be a bit self-obsessed and often does not think about how her actions might impact others or what others might be going through. She talks... a lot.

She isn't really that great of a witch nor very academically inclinded bit fancies that she would make a great hostess. As a child, she disliked sitting still and was often found playing games and running outside. Now she has suppressed this but I could be coaxed back out.

What They're Looking For
  • UCPB
  • 25+ if the firstborn, 28+ otherwise up till late 30's. In her mind this has wiggle room.
  • She is a die hard romantic and would love to marry for love but prioritizes her comfort and her parents' wishes above all else.
  • She has a slight weakness for the 'knight in shining armour' and 'flirty mildly bad boy' types.

What I'm Looking For
  • UCPB
  • 18+, just not younger than her
  • Ideas of relationships I'd like to see her in are ones where she (a) marries someone her parents set up that she knows little of, (b) marries someone who actually has little interest in her that she'll trail along like a puppy dog to thinking she can make him love her, © an actual romantic relationship where they like each other and court but once they marry they have no idea what they are doing and now they must live together, or (d) she marries the flirty type and now has to deal with affairs and maybe bastards or at least is worried about them.

Also Open To
  • I really cannot see her willing to marry down a class but maybe if she starts to get worried then a UCHB that doesn't have close muggle ties.
  • She is bi and while she has passively thought some women were attractive she's never thought more than that but someone to make her realize that she could be interested in women sexually as well as men.
  • I could see her potentially being very interest in physical affection (mostly kissing but potentially premarital sex if she fancied herself in love and courting/engaged).
  • Once married maybe affairs depending on how much attention her husband gives her? And frankly she might be open to her husband having affairs as well as long as no bastards are involved.

Contact Nichole on Skype

[Image: n6cJGfq.jpg]
Lady makes such lovely things.
January Lynch
21 | MCPB | Rep 8

January is the sister of February Umbridge. She is shy and soft spoken upon first meeting someone. She enjoys Quidditch as a spectator though that might have more to do with the men then the sport. She is pretty sweet but can be a little temperamental and high strung. She is also into Herbology and Gardening.

What They're Looking For
  • MCAB or UCAB
  • 24+
  • Quidditch involved

What I'm Looking For
  • ACAB
  • Older than her

Also Open To
  • Drama. Always.

Contact Roberto Devine or Skype/Discord

[Image: 3KeXff.png]
set by stefanie!
@'Daffodil Potts'
21 | Ravenclaw, Class of '88 | MCHB | Rep 8
Florst/Accountant at The Florist Potts

Mellow; spacey; intuitive; flighty; can be perceived as naive; sweet; caring; book-smart; gentle; basically she’s a bit of a hippie (think Luna-esque) who enjoys plants as much as she enjoys people. She takes things and people as they come and is unafraid to chat with just about anybody. She can be a bit of a flake, so will need lots of reminders during social things, but has a good heart that can easily be taken advantage of.

What They're Looking For
  • Noble, sorry fam, she smitten.

What I'm Looking For
  • MCAB
  • 28+ and established, seriously considering settling down.
  • Basically I would like somebody who is in a GOOD spot to settle down to take a shining to her so that her family might consider pushing the issue. It's time to rock the boat peeps!

Also Open To
  • A gent who would take advantage of her sweet nature and family position, somebody who is in dire straights and looking to marry into a comfortable family, but looks decent on the outside.

Contact - Skype or PM @"Elsie Beauregard"

[Image: Daff-Sig95.png]
Tabitha Chevalier
22 | Hufflepuff, Class of '87 | MC half-veela | Rep 7
Potion & Plant Poisoning Healer, HH

The opposite of most half-veela women, Tabitha has spent most of her life trying to lay low and simply do her work. She has worked hard to quell her veela nature, though she does slip sometimes when upset or frustrated. She's demure and soft-spoken, good at her job and wants nothing more than for someone to look past the pretty face and actually get to know her, which is hard.

What They're Looking For
  • MCAB
  • 27+
  • Obviously no problem with her half-veela heritage (though if his family does, that's a nice bonus drama); she wants somebody to really get to know her, who would take that time. Probably somebody kind and patient with her. Somebody willing to let her to continue to work.

What I'm Looking For
  • M/UCAB
  • 25+
  • I don't have much really, but the more drama the better!

Contact - Skype or PM @"Elsie Beauregard"

[Image: Tabi-MJSig.png]
absolute beauty by MJ
Gale Buckley
29 | Slytherin, Class of '80 (Dropout '78) | WCHB | Rep 8
Whizzhard Books Manager

A soft-spoken, sweet sort of guy, Gale is quiet and observant, steadfast and reliable. He's quite bright, despite his poorer upbringing. He's a bit of a romantic, but not overly outgoing, nor shy. He just kind of there when you need him. He can come across as standoffish, but genuinely cares for those he is close to

What They're Looking For
  • WCAB
  • 18-25
  • He would like a lady who also likes to read and discuss literature, possibly someone a little more outgoing who could pull him out of his shell. He had a steady job that he doesn't plan on leaving anytime soon, so he could offer a comfortable Pennyworth lifestyle.

What I'm Looking For
  • Drama, the more inappropriate the hurl, the better!

Contact - Skype or PM @"Elsie Beauregard"

[Image: lxyaO1.jpg]
it's Bree's fault he's here, so at least she made him sexy
Cecily Gallivan
20 | Ravenclaw, Class of '88 | MCHB | Rep 8
Quidditch Debutante

Cecily is opinionated, fun loving, a bit of a tomboy with a girly and feminine side. She loves Quidditch.

What They're Looking For
  • MCAB
  • 25ish to early 30s
  • Into Quidditch. Not a traditional and conservative douchebag.

What I'm Looking For
  • ACAB
  • Youngish
  • Quidditch folks. Bad boys she will think she can reform. Someone with werewolf drama.

Also Open To
  • ACAB
  • Age
  • Other Aspects

Contact Cecily Gallivan or Anything you have me on that has a chat function honestly

Nicolette Fernsby
Age 18 | Ravenclaw, Class of '91| MCHB | Rep 8 | Currently a student

A brief personality description of your character!

What They're Looking For
  • ACAB - She honestly doesn't care but PB's better have tolerance for mixed heritage because firsty she's not exactly pure herself nor does she hold much stock in it.
  • Age: is a number? Though obviously the stable thing is a big deal.
  • Other Aspects: She only cares about deserved reputation - poor through any fault of your own and she'd have to ponder the what it is..

What I'm Looking For
  • ACAB
  • Age - "not too old"
  • Other Aspects - tbh I don't really know. I've never had a debutante before and my romance chops are very.... whole pig. Her elder sister is on the market (and probably recovering from the cruise from hell) at the same time so Nicolette isn't much going to put herself out there because of that. Nicolette isn't the most grounded of individuals (she is an artiste) so she needs somebody who can provide stability and balance to her wild ideas and likely some means to achieve them though but... We rarely get what we need. I'll fill this out better when I have a better grasp of her desires on the matter.

Also Open To
  • ACAB
  • Age
  • Other Aspects: any ideas.

Contact Nicolette Fernsby (I only have a few accounts so by contacting that account I know who we're talking about :P I'm trying to get better at keeping track of things. Though "Greta Gillenwater is my main. [Skype? Discord? I have both. Whatever you prefer let me know! Skype is jjm.bostock discord is jen#4684 and since they are installed on my phone I'm fairly omnipresent there]

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Bellona Zabini
23 | Slytherin, Class of '85 | UCHB | Rep 7

Bellona Zabini has always been the sort to adapt to survive in whatever social situation she finds herself. Even from a young age, she recognized that while those at the top received prestige, they also had the furthest to fall—thus, she takes to surrounding herself with the successful, but strives to remain slightly closer to the ground herself.

Though she has burned a few bridges in her past (and is especially gifted at holding a grudge), her loyalty, once earned, is difficult to lose, evidenced by the fact that she could not cut her mother altogether from her life.

What They're Looking For
  • UCPB
  • 30+
  • Reputable
  • Noteworthy - well positioned in the Ministry, highly viewed in society, etc.

What I'm Looking For
  • UCAB
  • 25+
  • That's about it xD

Contact Aldous Crouch or  Skype

Holliday Fudge
18 | Ravenclaw, Class of '91 | MCHB | Rep 8

Holliday is a bubbly and social young lady—when circumstances allow for it, at least. Hers is a curious nature, and events of the past few years (notably her friend's turning into a werewolf) have made her take an interest in progressive politics. She is a loyal and clever young lady who seeks a semi-quiet, but not isolate, future.

What They're Looking For
  • MCAB
  • 25+
  • Progressive
  • At least a vague interest in magical creatures

What I'm Looking For
  • Anything I can have fun with!

Contact Aldous Crouch or  Skype

[Image: 3atPRkT.png]
graphics by MJ ♥ —
Faustus Prewett
41 | Gryffindor, Class of '67 | UCPB | Rep 9
Head Auror

Widowed for FAR too long; a generally amiable man who hails from a prominent PB fam. He's not shy but he's quite reserved, and kind of a workaholic.

What They're Looking For
  • 25+
  • Kind, someone who would be a good mother to his kids, understand his busy schedule, be a good hostess/society wife

What I'm Looking For
  • Eehhh, anything under like 28 feels weird but that's like spinster age so I'm sooorta flexible?
  • Honestly I'd love to try anything with him, he hasn't really told me who he likes, so fling 'em at me.

Contact LADY on Skype

Victor Carrow
31 | Gryffindor, Class of '77 | UCPB | Rep 9
Assistant Head of the Department of Magical Games & Sports

Victor is an eligible bachelor and he knows it. He just kinda hates it. He knows his job is to find a proper wife, but he's not entirely sure he wants to find one. He's traumatized from his short, brief Quidditch career, but also misses being out on the field.

What They're Looking For
  • 23+
  • Kind, will be able to handle his passion for quidditch, well connected family, won't make fun of him for his fear of water

What I'm Looking For
  • 23+
  • Adventerous, someone to pull Victor out of his cynical shell

Also Open To
  • Maybe some connection with someone he can't see himself marrying

Contact LADY on Skype

Angeline Malfoy
23 | Slytherin, Class of '85 | UCPB | Rep 9

Angeline is friendly and easily led but fortunately she has managed to avoid scandal so far. Charming and effervescent when she's in good spirits she has been known to overindulge in champagne and laudanum, the former in public and the latter mostly in private. She would, however, be an advantageous match with numerous connections, a fortune of her very own and a sexy brother to be your friend.

What They're Looking For
  • UCPB
  • 28-40. Angel is absolutely not here for the old dudes.
  • Rich, as handsome as possible, slightly romantic.

What I'm Looking For
  • UCAB
  • 28+. I am absolutely here for the old dudes.
  • Good connections, rich, etc.

Also Open To
  • MCPB in the event of a scandal.
  • Sham marriage. Beard marriage. Golddigger. Married for a bet. Accidental pregnancy following drunken encounter. Any and all disasters waiting to happen.

Contact Elladora Black or Skype

[Image: m6ryy4h.png]
time of death: when MJ dropped this heart-stopping set
Charles Macmillan
30 | Slytherin, Class of '78 | UCPB | Rep 9
Junior Assistant to the M.o.M.

A brief personality description of your character!

What They're Looking For
  • UCPB
  • 17-25
  • Tatiana Polite, pretty, obliging, feminine, ladylike, well-bred, at least somewhat charming, amiable, obedient, not too willful.

What I'm Looking For
  • UCAB
  • 17-25
  • Same as above but if she's able to fool him into thinking she's a perfect angel then that works.

Also Open To
  • MCAB
  • If she's middle class but has everything else going for her and he's warmed to her enough it might fly.
  • Poor life choices marriage also a tentative option but he'd have to have no other way to avoid a scandal because he'd rather just nope on out of there and be a dick about it.

Contact Ursula Black or Skype

The following 1 user Likes Charles Macmillan's post:
   Angelica Selwyn

@'Angelica Vorona'
30 | Slytherin Prefect and Head Girl, Class of '78 | MC*PB | Rep 9
Arithmancy Professor

Angelica is a force of nature, think fire given flesh. She's ruthless in competition, assertive and decisive in action, and all sensual smolder beneath the surface. Angel was widowed young and, instead of returning to her father's house and the Upper Class, chose to return to the UK as a member of the Middle Class to dictate her own future as a professor. Let's not ask her about her abusive late husband or how much she wants for a family of her own.

What They're Looking For
  • 35+
  • Reputable/successful in his own right
  • Intelligent, willing to have substantial conversations with her.
  • Mandetory: Has or wants children
  • Affection for her, if not love
  • She still thinks she wants a traditional marriage and as many children as she can have, the poor thing thinks she's driving the truck here. Lol.

What I'm Looking For
  • 30+
  • Some of the above, but mostly negotiable
  • Has to give her space/at least tolerate her working for now
  • Able to stand up to her/keep her on her toes, if she can walk all over him, she'd actually  hate it
  • Sexual and secure enough about it that her sex drive isn't a threat to his ego.
  • Someone that forces her to rethink her version of success/happy marriage.
  • Someone to lead her down/indulge her curiosity in the sexual and decadant.
  • Worldly, enjoys travel
  • Emrys. Basically Emrys. How did this happen?

Also Open To
  • The great on paper would kill him in person hurl.
  • What would happen if she and one of the old year mates even attempt to mingle? Interested to see how quickly that results in a total meltdown.
  • Any scenarios that up the stakes and leaves her indecisive and questioning everything, because I'm cruel.
  • If he's basically evil in disguise, what happens?
  • Down for the good, the bad, and the amusing.

Contact Hermia Bonaccord or Skype

[Image: NpMgQU7.png]
MJ made this miracle!
Darling Whitledge
18 | Hufflepuff Class of '91 | UCHB | Rep 9
Soon to be Debutante

True to her name, Darling is an absolute darling. She is sweet, generous and kind. She is very much the epitome of a Hufflepuff. She is gentle, soft-spoken and compassionate, even once heading a petition campaign to have the half breed ban lifted back 1887. She very rarely raises her voice and is slow to anger, instead being more disappointed then angry which might actually feel worse for the other person. She is loyal to a fault and cherishes her family and friends deeply.

What They're Looking For
  • UCAB
  • 20+
  • No immediate family scandals

What I'm Looking For
  • ACAB
  • Anything tbh

Also Open To
  • Drama, all the drama
  • Someone she might initially dislike but grow to be fond of, maybe?
  • Very inappropriate hurls - too close in age, very far in age, working class, very scandalous, etc

Contact Roberto Devine or Skype/Discord/Smoke Signals

Set by Athena
@'Angelique Farbridge'
18 | Hogwarts House, Class of '91 | UCHB | Rep 9
Soon-to-Be Debutante

Despite rumors of part-veela heritage (that are entirely false, thank you very much), Angelique is anxious to be married. That's...what I got for ya right now.

What They're Looking For
  • UCAB
  • 25-35
  • Respectable, financially stable, willing to believe that the part-veela rumor is just that.
  • Romantic entanglement preferred but not required

What I'm Looking For
  • U/MCAB
  • 25-40
  • Same as above.

Contact Bernadette Fernsby or BlackSwan#2437 on Discord or Elaine McMurray on Skype

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beauty by lady

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