Ford wished he knew what she was thinking beneath that steady tone, but he'd have to be content with the answer itself. She was staying, still, after everything he'd just told her. Unless he didn't want her to. "No," he said immediately. His stomach twisted at the suggestion. Before coming in here and talking to her he had forced himself to consider both options as equally likely and to plan out what he might do next on either scenario. He had not allowed himself to hope for anything, but — "I want you to stay."
He felt self-conscious about it as soon as he'd said it, like he didn't have the right to want her here, so when she said she needed time to think he was relieved by the dismissal. There was nothing left to say, productively, so if he stayed and kept talking he would probably only make it worse. He didn't find the words for a goodbye but nodded to acknowledge her request for space, then fled the room, closing the door gently behind him.
He felt self-conscious about it as soon as he'd said it, like he didn't have the right to want her here, so when she said she needed time to think he was relieved by the dismissal. There was nothing left to say, productively, so if he stayed and kept talking he would probably only make it worse. He didn't find the words for a goodbye but nodded to acknowledge her request for space, then fled the room, closing the door gently behind him.

Set by Lady!