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Where will you fall?

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Did You Know?
Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

No Time To Die
"September." Why was it always September? "Again." Provided it got to that stage, it might be well over even before May. Who could say. "I sent for a healer the day before yesterday and that's what they told me at least."

| OUTFIT | Tiberius Lestrange |

She'd talked to a healer. That restricted their options somewhat — or did it? Pregnancies were notoriously fragile things anyway, especially in the early stages. September was still a long ways off. He found himself glancing at her stomach to see if he could detect any difference there, but of course there was nothing. It was still too early for anyone to have noticed, besides Antigone and this healer she'd consulted, who likely wouldn't be spreading the word prolifically — this was just routine business for them.

"What are you going to do about it?" he asked, looking back up at her face.

Her brow furrowed in bemusement. What could she do about it? She was acquainted with the notion of getting rid of a child but had never looked into it and it was the last thing she would have thought to do, especially this time. If she was going to get rid of his child somehow she would never have let him know it existed in the first place. "You make it sound as though I've a choice." Her tone betrayed a little frustration but there was also confusion too.

| OUTFIT | Tiberius Lestrange |

Tiberius blinked at her, not sure what she was getting at. Of course there were choices. There were nearly countless ways to deal with such things. Potions, spells, physical adjustments. He didn't know any off the top of his head, but that was only because he hadn't been looking. He'd researched it in the past, when he'd tried to kill what he'd thought was a superfluous daughter in her womb without her knowledge. There were no end to methods.

"Of course there are choices," he told her. Though, now that he thought about it, one seemed superior to all others, in terms of risk and reward. "Your animagus form might do it. I haven't seen any research on the subject, but it's said a female werewolf can't carry a baby to term. It can't handle the transformation. That would be simple and probably painless."

Tig couldn't quite believe what she was hearing, it made no sense at all to her. "You were ready to kill me because I couldn't give you a son, against all expectation you have one more chance for that son and you're suggesting I kill it?!" Prior to this conversation she would have thought he'd have finally made good on killing her if she'd aborted his child, was that not the case? "I might have healed, Tiberius, but this might be a fluke, it might never happen again!" He understood that, didn't he?

| OUTFIT | Tiberius Lestrange |

What she was saying made perfect logical sense, but it was hard to feel disappointed about the prospect of losing a child he had never considered as even the slightest possibility before. It wouldn't be a serious detriment to them to get rid of this pregnancy, he reasoned — it would just put them back to square one. With or without this thing she had proposed with her sister, they were not entirely without resources, nor were they running out of time.

"The labor nearly killed you last time," he reminded her, rising from his desk chair.

The following 1 user Likes Tiberius Lestrange's post:
   Antigone Lestrange
"And you almost finished me off..." She couldn't quite believe her own ears, what she was hearing could not be reconciled with what she knew of him. Half the reason she had been so eager to throw her sister to the wolves was because she wanted some surety if it was a girl or stillborn.

Yet here he was arguing against the existence of his own child. "I could die from a miscarriage too." Tig definitely didn't want to be pregnant but she couldn't get her head around his inclination to quit while ahead. "What if this is your only chance for an heir?"

| OUTFIT | Tiberius Lestrange |

"Only chance?" he repeated incredulously. "Don't be ridiculous. It isn't as though the world is running out of women," he snapped. Something about what she'd said had made him a little irritable, but he wasn't sure what it could have been. The recollection of the role that he'd played in her almost-demise, even if she didn't know the full extent of it? Or the reminder of her own fragility, particularly when it came to pregnancy and childbirth? A miscarriage could kill her, it was true — the same had happened to other women — but it still seemed exponentially safer than going through nine months of pregnancy and then a traumatic labor, only to quite possibly end up with something he didn't even want — another daughter, for instance, or a deformed mess.

"You might miscarry anyway, at any point," he pointed out. "The earlier it happens, the safer it would be."

The following 1 user Likes Tiberius Lestrange's post:
   Antigone Lestrange
Tig couldn't understand why he was getting snotty about it but it had consequently put her on the defensive. She got up from her seat so she was on the same level and stared at him, confused as much as she was irritated. "And I might not. I don't want this," she gestured forcibly at her midriff, "but I'll not have you blaming me if you regret it and I'm certainly not as feeble as you seem to think I am!" She mightn't have gotten so annoyed if she didn't feel like he was suggesting that she was fragile. It might be the fashion and the general belief that women were weak but she didn't care to follow that trend.

"If you're really worried about my mortality you should find a way to remove that damned Vow. You're more likely to be the death of me than childbirth!" Now that she was properly taking in what he'd been saying, she was starting to realize that his main objection would seem to be concern. For her. Oh. Her brow unknit itself and her demeanor seemed to soften almost imperceptibly.

That didn't mean he wouldn't hold it against her though. He could still resent her for being unfit for purpose and leading him to that decision. She shouldn't care if he resented her, but it seemed as though she did, she reasoned with herself that it was only because she'd rather have him resent her for her own decisions and not his.

| OUTFIT | Tiberius Lestrange |

Tiberius was affronted at her suggestion, and his facial expression clearly demonstrated that. "It won't be my fault if you die from the Vow — it'll be your own. And it was your fault it's in place in the first place, or did you forget about your surprise trip through the continent?" he snapped. "I was perfectly content to let you about your business until you revealed that you had no business being a respectable wife!"

Why were they even talking about the damn Vow? It hadn't been relevant, at least from his perspective, in quite a while. She was behaving. In fact, she was more than behaving — she had developed, particularly over the past year or so, into the sort of woman who might actually be worthy of the last name she now bore. Not that she was likely to appreciate that.

"If you're determined to keep it, what do we need your sister for?" he continued irritably. "You'll either produce a child, or you'll die — and either way my problems are solved."

The following 1 user Likes Tiberius Lestrange's post:
   Melody Crouch
What business he had getting defensive she didn't know. There were plenty of less permanent options he might have resorted to but no. That was ancient history now though, it still aggravated her but it was an old wound that usually only flared up when it inconvenienced her. She might have pushed back on the matter too had he not gone on to imply that she was in some way attached to their unborn child. He had to be set straight.

"I'm not determined to keep it, I'm determined to make sure you're absolutely certain about it! If we were to see what came of it then my sister would be insurance of a sort. We'd be twice as likely to get the desired result that way." She'd be quite happy to leave it up to someone else to risk their neck for his heir but what if this happened again? He'd probably avoid her room at night like he was at risk of catching dragonpox from her after this, but if he didn't then it couldn't be ruled out that they'd be back here again at some point. "And don't pretend like my death will solve anything, you'll have to wait even longer to get what you want and, most of all, you'll miss me." She smirked as she said the latter part but it was a slight haughty, knowing smirk and for once not entirely spiteful.

| OUTFIT | Tiberius Lestrange |

She wasn't being completely irrational in her response, which made it all the more irritating, for some reason. Having two viable pregnancies at the same time meant at least one of them was likely to produce a healthy male — but there were still too many unaccounted for variables for his liking. The soonest he could possibly impregnate someone else would be this week, and that was only if the odds were strikingly in their favor. There would be a delay between Antigone giving birth and the surrogate of several weeks. That might be surmountable in the case that Antigone's child was lost, or ended up the way the last one had. They could pretend she was still pregnant but delayed, or even hold off on announcing until it didn't seem delayed at all, and claim the other baby as legitimate whenever it arrived. If something went wrong and Antigone died, however, the second pregnancy would be useless to him. In the worst case scenario, he could be left with an heir and no way to claim him.

No, it was still too ill-formed to be a viable plan. And then she came out with that ridiculous claim — that he would miss her.

"Hardly," he snapped back. "Mourning would be a relief. No social obligations, no distractions — and at the end, a wife who isn't broken," he said with a snarl. "Keep the pregnancy if you want, but don't expect me to intervene if it puts you on death's door again."

"Clearly I'm not broken, Tiberius, or else we wouldn't be having this discussion!" she shouted far louder than was necessary or intentional. The urge to shove something off of his desk was so strong it was only the lack of anything within arms reach that she could easily send flying that stopped her from acting on it. Instead she changed into a lynx without warning, hissed at him, and pounced onto the couch she'd been sat on moments ago.

Tig couldn't believe it would be that easy but let him think she'd just recklessly attempted to get rid of his child, maybe then he'd take it seriously, if not she'd at least have shown him how little she cared about the parasite. Nothing seemed to be happening and so she changed back. She still didn't feel like anything was happening or had happened and while she did feel smug like she'd proven a point of some sort, she also felt uneasy. Apparently she'd latched on to the idea when he'd suggested it that it would be that easy but if it hadn't worked and she did decide it wasn't worth the bother, what were the alternatives?

| OUTFIT | Tiberius Lestrange |

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   Tiberius Lestrange

Tiberius had turned towards her and had his mouth open to respond to her comment when she suddenly transformed. It caught him quite off-guard, and he sat down quite heavily in his chair as she jumped back up to the couch. His eyebrow had raised in involuntary surprise as he did so, but his expression remained otherwise stormy. She was being petulant at this point. She was angry, and tantruming like a spoiled child, which was typical for her. Getting rid of the thing had been exactly what he'd been angling for originally, however, so if she was going to do so in a fit of rage, that was fine by him. He hadn't even known of the existence of this fetus an hour ago, so it was hardly as though he was attached to the idea of it. He already had plans in place to secure an heir, and he didn't need Antigone putting herself at unnecessary risk (or pointlessly ruining the life of her sister) to shortcut things.

"Well?" he asked dryly after she had changed back.

Tig didn't respond at first, instead waiting for something to happen. Nothing was happening. She yanked her skirts up and stared at her undergarments and found nothing amiss. "So much for that wise idea." She tossed her skirts back down where they were supposed to be.

Maybe there was some sort of delay before something started to happen. If there was though she wasn't holding her breath. "Stubborn little shit," she muttered angrily. What if it wouldn't go without serious intervention and then what would be more risky, interfering or leaving it? "You did this, you deal with it!"

| OUTFIT | Tiberius Lestrange |

What a vulgar action, Tiberius couldn't help but observe as Antigone apparently checked her drawers for blood right there in front of him. Not that he was any stranger to the sight of blood, or to that of her underthings, but still. She should have had at least a little more decency than that. Had she neglected it due to some sense of panic involved in this situation, or was she doing it as purposeful staging as part of her little tantrum? Probably the latter, he decided. She hadn't acted panicked at any point during her announcement, and it was just like her to do stupid things out of spite. Probably best to just ignore it entirely, then.

"I'll find a poison," he responded curtly, turning his eyes to his desk as a sign that he had no further need of her presence for this conversation.

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   Antigone Lestrange

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