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Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

finding the second star
8 March

I'm sorry about the way you left, too. It's as much my fault as yours. I probably should have just been honest with you but —


10 March

Sailing isn't a life for girls like this, it's just a hobby. It's an entirely different approach than when I was learning to sail, but some of them aren't bad. I think one of the ladies I gave lessons to last season is going to race the regatta this year. She's got a decent shot at it, I think.

Not quite crawling yet, but Zelda's sister said soon (and she's had enough of her own to know). He gets around a bit by scooting or dragging himself around. He moves enough that I can't take him to the dock to watch me work anymore, but he's safe enough on the beach. Talks a lot. Baby talk, I mean, not real words, but he's always babbling.

That's a tough spot to be in, with your daughter to think of. Sometimes people get married and are never more than friends, and they can be happy that way, but I don't think you could.

Sorry, that's probably overstepping. Sorry. I don't know anything about how you and Zach are together. It's not my place to say anything about it.



MJ made the most Alfredy of sets and then two years later she made it EVEN BETTER
March 15th, 1893
It's likely just me and my personality, but I can't understand sailing as a hobby. It seems boring, I think is the best way to put it, to not experience a new destination. A small stretch of sea, harbor or lake can only bring one so much joy.

Be prepared for both absolute joy and exhaustion once he's truly mobile. The baby babble is fun though. Ilona is beginning to speak more these days, though most of it is her shouting for her little wooden bird. Zach charmed it to fly and it often goes too high for her.

It's not, but you're right. I also wouldn't wish to condemn him to such a life. He's too good of a man and I'm me. He deserves every happiness and that wouldn't be found in a marriage to me that is anything less than a true marriage.

I sometimes wish he would have found someone else in our time apart. Then they could have claimed Ilona as their own and I could've stepped back knowing she was safe and cared for. That was always my intention for her, to be loved upon by another mother. And then I held her and simply couldn't le-

Anyway, barring any complications I'll be back after the 22nd and won't be leaving again for a bit.

beautiful set by mj
[Image: V9Vf0R0.png]
17 March
Miss Jupiter Smith,

You've got some nerve, calling sailing for its own sake "boring." Even if that's how you felt it's entirely unconscionable that you'd write that to me. The wind, the waves, the speed, the salt spray. Traveling is wonderful, of course, but that's hardly the point of sailing — the best bits of it are the long stretches where there's no land in sight and the wind is high and the seas are rough.

Zelda and I went sailing for our honeymoon. Not in the open ocean — we've got a boat but she's too small for that sort of sailing — but still. The destination isn't the point.

I bought the boat for Zelda instead of a ring. That's us all over, isn't it?

Looking forward to seeing you soon. I'll try and forgive you for the insult to sailing in the meantime.


MJ made the most Alfredy of sets and then two years later she made it EVEN BETTER

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