Character: Endymion Dempsey
Age: 33
Sexuality: I'm still in the process of ~figuring him out, but I'm 90% sure he's demisexual.
Are they aware of their sexuality: Not exactly. He really wants to be in love and for it to click immediately, like love at first sight, but being demisexual it just doesn't really happen like that for him, so... lol, basically he's cursed? Sorry, bro.
Are they aware of masturbation: Yes
Do they masturbate: Occasionally but not often, as a physical release it's fine but not his first priority.
If they had to choose one, which played character would they marry tomorrow: No one tomorrow but at one stage he thought he could see himself with Thistle Potts, and they're only a couple posts into a thread but he also enjoys Eudora King so far
If you had to choose one, which played character would they marry tomorrow: Someone ~scandalous or of a different class who would not suit upper class society at all and be very embarrassing for him?
Are they a virgin: No
If not, describe their sex life: Has had infrequent affairs, mostly abroad, mostly with people he thinks he ~could fall in love with. Never been very interested in one night stands and thinks paying for prostitutes is very unromantic and is generally not interested unless there are some deep emotions to go with it? Also there was that one time with the veela in the hammock and nothing since has recreated that all-encompassing feeling of veela attraction magic so basically he's ruined for sex forever.
Any romantic dealbreakers: Likely to focus on any one tiny character flaw and fixate until it becomes a dealbreaker (or, conversely, to be blind to an obvious problem that everyone else can see instantly).
How would they react to catching someone with a member of the same sex: Bewilderment.
If you've seen Bridgerton, which character(s) are they most like: Idk, Prince Friedrich?
Marry for love or for duty: Love
Marry for love or for money: Love, probably to his own detriment
Marry at all or not at all: Marry
Embrace or deny a 'simple' child: Embrace
Attend a boxing match or a ball: Ball
Attend an art sex party thing or bone after the opera: Opera, if he must
Spill or keep a scandalous secret: Try to keep, probably accidentally blurt to someone
Have sex out of wedlock or wait until the wedding night: Wedding night unless he was very in love w/someone he couldn't marry for some reason.
What would it take to get him to duel: Not a lot would make him duel; more likely to be the one trying to mediate.
Who would be his second: Again, not likely to be in the position, but Gus Lissington would be his most capable friend xD
Would he marry a woman he knew to be pregnant already: Maybe?
Pay calls on a lady or remain "hard to get": Pay calls
Listen to the wife or remain firm in the weird grudge vow you made on someone's deathbed: Listen to the wife
How would he go about wooing a lady: Flowers. Poetry (not his own). ~Romance.~
The following 3 users Like Endymion Dempsey's post:
Gus Lissington, Ozymandias Dempsey, Thistle Potts
Gus Lissington, Ozymandias Dempsey, Thistle Potts