Ben sighed. She had a point that he couldn't argue. There wasn't really anything else to say, logically, except to agree to give it another attempt and see what happened. He was still anxious about that, though. What made this different from any previous conversation where they'd said they were going to start over? They'd been here before, and it had never actually worked. He wanted this to work, but he was having a hard time relying on faith to see them through. He wanted there to be something specific he could point to that was different about this time, some reason that it would work when all the other attempts hadn't.
He shifted in his chair so that he was facing her, not just sitting next to her and having the conversation in parallel. He leaned one elbow against the back of the chair and his head on his hand. "How do you want to do this? Trying."
He shifted in his chair so that he was facing her, not just sitting next to her and having the conversation in parallel. He leaned one elbow against the back of the chair and his head on his hand. "How do you want to do this? Trying."

MJ made this <3