Little by little Verity was beginning to truly believe she was safe with him. He'd purchased her a beautiful house (or one that would be beautiful once the renovations were complete), had taken her on a wonderful trip abroad with no conditions aside from enjoying it together (and that rather strange meeting with his business associates), and had even seemingly accepted without complaint that their marriage was to remain loveless. She was safe, protected even.
Verity looked at him fully for the first time since he began to undress and nodded once. "I'm still -" damaged, broken, possibly barren. She backed away from those thoughts almost instantly, already feeling too vulnerable tonight to approach him about anything meaningful. "Yes, it would be a great help. Thank you." At least until they got to her chemise, then she could shoo him away while she changed completely into her night dress.
Verity looked at him fully for the first time since he began to undress and nodded once. "I'm still -" damaged, broken, possibly barren. She backed away from those thoughts almost instantly, already feeling too vulnerable tonight to approach him about anything meaningful. "Yes, it would be a great help. Thank you." At least until they got to her chemise, then she could shoo him away while she changed completely into her night dress.

set by mj