She hadn't anticipated him agreeing so readily. Some sort of insisting that they could make the floor comfortable (magic existed, after all) or even that this wasn't how they were meant to share the bed for the first night together. Something — anything — aside from him agreeing and undressing. Oh, Merlin.
Flushing red, Verity released a surprised gasp and turned on her heel to face the wall and afford him some privacy. Did married people undress so casually often? It wasn't one of the questions she had thought to ask Mama and with them being married now for half a year she obviously couldn't ask now. Not only would her question raise a dozen others, but it ran the risk of her secrets instantly unveiling themselves.
"Tell me when you're in the bed." She instructed with her voice unknowingly shaking.
Flushing red, Verity released a surprised gasp and turned on her heel to face the wall and afford him some privacy. Did married people undress so casually often? It wasn't one of the questions she had thought to ask Mama and with them being married now for half a year she obviously couldn't ask now. Not only would her question raise a dozen others, but it ran the risk of her secrets instantly unveiling themselves.
"Tell me when you're in the bed." She instructed with her voice unknowingly shaking.

set by mj