Miss Chang,
I was intending to invite you and Miss Dashwood to my house for tea but I believe that Irvingly is in total lockdown! how alarming. WHen this danger has passsed and you are at liberty again, I should love to host you, Miss Dashwood and Miss Valenduris for tea in my home, along with appropraite chaperones of course.
I should say, if you and your family can leave Irvingly by some muggle means you are more than welcome to stay at my home until this danger has passed! I'm not sure if this is an option, but please know the offer is indeed in place for you, your father and brothers.
Miss N. Mountbatton,
I was intending to invite you and Miss Dashwood to my house for tea but I believe that Irvingly is in total lockdown! how alarming. WHen this danger has passsed and you are at liberty again, I should love to host you, Miss Dashwood and Miss Valenduris for tea in my home, along with appropraite chaperones of course.
I should say, if you and your family can leave Irvingly by some muggle means you are more than welcome to stay at my home until this danger has passed! I'm not sure if this is an option, but please know the offer is indeed in place for you, your father and brothers.
Miss N. Mountbatton,
Ida Chang