The expression of Ford's face was kind of priceless. He looked so panicked. Though he didn't know if that had to do with the reaction he could feel coming from Ford or something else. This was kind of uncharted territory in his relationship with Ford and he had no idea which direction things could end up in.
And if he lost this connection, if what he did next ruined everything that they had come to mean to one another, it would hurt.
So would not doing anything and forever wondering what might have happened if he had just been the smallest bit braver. Perhaps this wasn't the best move to be making when he was literally naked while Ford had clothes on. It was also hard to do much of anything else when Ford was pressing his cheek against his bare chest and hugging him tightly. Tycho was a little afraid to speak which he knew was quite atypical of him.
His hand slid from Fords cheek down to his chin so that he could make Ford look back up at him as he leaned forward as best he could in their current position and brushed his lips against Fords.
And if he lost this connection, if what he did next ruined everything that they had come to mean to one another, it would hurt.
So would not doing anything and forever wondering what might have happened if he had just been the smallest bit braver. Perhaps this wasn't the best move to be making when he was literally naked while Ford had clothes on. It was also hard to do much of anything else when Ford was pressing his cheek against his bare chest and hugging him tightly. Tycho was a little afraid to speak which he knew was quite atypical of him.
His hand slid from Fords cheek down to his chin so that he could make Ford look back up at him as he leaned forward as best he could in their current position and brushed his lips against Fords.