That Ty laughed at him was bad enough, but when he reached to touch Ford's face again, Ford felt as though he actually might die. The expression on his face may have been panic, but he couldn't help how the rest of him reacted — given their proximity, it was now obvious that they were both turned on. Ford's heart was beating so hard and loud it was making it difficult for him to think, but the few thoughts he could manage mortified him. At the moment they seemed to be in a strange dissociative bubble, but eventually it would pop and they'd both have to deal with the fact that Tycho had caressed his cheek and Ford had had an erection (somehow this seemed far more damning and embarrassing than the reciprocal) and when that happened Ford was going to absolutely die from embarrassment.
Staying in this position was unsustainable. The eye contact from Tycho was so intense Ford felt he might melt below the heat of it. When he broke it, however, he didn't move away; instinct instead brought him closer to Ty as he pressed his cheek against Tycho's chest and hugged him tightly once again.
Staying in this position was unsustainable. The eye contact from Tycho was so intense Ford felt he might melt below the heat of it. When he broke it, however, he didn't move away; instinct instead brought him closer to Ty as he pressed his cheek against Tycho's chest and hugged him tightly once again.

Set by Lady!