Tycho touching his cheek did something to Ford's insides, even if he was only doing it in jest. They were awfully close. Ford was practically on top of Tycho. It would be easy to — well. It would be easy for things to get out of hand.
Tycho had to have known that. He wasn't naive. He'd been the one to come here in the first place, and...
... and apparently the lack of clothing was accidental after all. Ford felt slightly deflated at that and told himself it was more confusion than anything else, but the truth was that he didn't have time to fully interrogate the feeling because of what Tycho said next. Ford's cheeks grew even deeper red.
"No, no," he sputtered, altogether too quickly. "I wasn't — I didn't — uhm. I didn't mean to."
He still had not moved off of Ty, nor taken any steps to retrieve a blanket, because Ford's brain was stuck in a loop several steps prior to taking any actual action.
Tycho had to have known that. He wasn't naive. He'd been the one to come here in the first place, and...
... and apparently the lack of clothing was accidental after all. Ford felt slightly deflated at that and told himself it was more confusion than anything else, but the truth was that he didn't have time to fully interrogate the feeling because of what Tycho said next. Ford's cheeks grew even deeper red.
"No, no," he sputtered, altogether too quickly. "I wasn't — I didn't — uhm. I didn't mean to."
He still had not moved off of Ty, nor taken any steps to retrieve a blanket, because Ford's brain was stuck in a loop several steps prior to taking any actual action.

Set by Lady!