Ben grinned at her again, then pulled the blanket up over his head. He thought and nearly said It's nice waking up next to you, but held off. This wasn't normal for them. Even when things had been going well, after Nora was born, they hadn't routinely been sharing rooms, or staying all the way through the night until the next morning. He could probably have counted the number of times it had happened throughout their entire marriage — not on his fingers, but close. To the best of his knowledge, she'd never slept over in his room. So this was uncharted territory, and though her agreeing to stay was a positive sign, he needed a bit more information on how they'd gotten to this point before he committed to sharing his feelings on it.
"What time did we go to bed last night?" he asked, which seemed like an innocuous enough way to start the conversation. Less damning than how much of last night do I not remember?
"What time did we go to bed last night?" he asked, which seemed like an innocuous enough way to start the conversation. Less damning than how much of last night do I not remember?

MJ made this <3