Ben lifted his head slightly to peek at Melody with one eye. "No," he said, with a quick, cheeky smile. He may not have remembered exactly how they'd gotten here, but he had no qualms admitting he didn't want it to end so soon. Hangover or not, it was nice to just have someone next to him for a while. It had been months since they'd been in each other's company without a knot of nerves accompanying it.
"Unless you'd rather," he added as an afterthought. If she was all nerves at the moment, he didn't want to force her to stay. He had assumed that her being here meant they'd reconciled, at least somewhat. That was the case, wasn't it?
"Unless you'd rather," he added as an afterthought. If she was all nerves at the moment, he didn't want to force her to stay. He had assumed that her being here meant they'd reconciled, at least somewhat. That was the case, wasn't it?

MJ made this <3