Change his mind? It took half a second to realize he was talking about more than just the tents (it probably was far too late to change his mind about that). Oz looked back at Endymion, incredulous. What would possess his brother to say such a thing? Ozymandias' courtship of Miss Pomfrey was certainly not traditional, and Oz knew there were rumors that they didn't even like each other. Still, he'd proposed to her, and she'd accepted. He'd been of sound mind at the time and so had she. He'd had months to dissolve it, if his resolve had ever wavered. Oz could perhaps understand why someone might try and convince Miss Pomfrey to change her mind since women generally had less choice in these matters, but he really could have walked away at any point unscathed except for a fine if she sued for breach of promise, which she might not even do.
"Don't be absurd," he said, looking out the window again. He wished he had something to smoke, or drink, but going to retrieve something at the moment might give Endymion ideas about his mental fortitude, or lack thereof.
"Don't be absurd," he said, looking out the window again. He wished he had something to smoke, or drink, but going to retrieve something at the moment might give Endymion ideas about his mental fortitude, or lack thereof.
MJ is the light of my life <3