Ford had thought this isn't working, what next? when the nature of his problem changed dramatically. He hadn't been looking up at the bird when the change happened, instead casting a glance around at the floor around him for something he could perhaps throw at it. As a result, a person landing atop him caught him entirely by surprise. He couldn't help the noise of surprise — "Ah!" — but as the whole thing had knocked the breath out of him, he wasn't capable of saying anything else, even if he'd known what to say. Where the hell had this person come from? There were anti-Apparition charms on the house (as there would have been in any respectable house that was home to unmarried young women), so it couldn't have been a run of the mill burglar. Before Ford could devote any more thought to who this tangled mess of limbs belonged to or how this person had arrived here, the other man spoke, and Ford immediately recognized the voice.
"Tycho?" At first he was still confused. It was undeniably Tycho but how Ty had materialized in his bedroom (and why) were still mysteries. And what had happened to the bird?
That was the missing piece of the puzzle. When he realized the bird was gone, the rest fell into place. The final step of the process involved a storm, and there had just been one earlier tonight — the only reason Ford had opened his window in the first place was that he was nostalgic for the way their old home in the country had always smelled right after it rained. Ford's face broke into a wide grin, and without thinking he launched himself at Tycho to hug him. "You did it!"
"Tycho?" At first he was still confused. It was undeniably Tycho but how Ty had materialized in his bedroom (and why) were still mysteries. And what had happened to the bird?
That was the missing piece of the puzzle. When he realized the bird was gone, the rest fell into place. The final step of the process involved a storm, and there had just been one earlier tonight — the only reason Ford had opened his window in the first place was that he was nostalgic for the way their old home in the country had always smelled right after it rained. Ford's face broke into a wide grin, and without thinking he launched himself at Tycho to hug him. "You did it!"

Set by Lady!