Blissfully ignorant of his friends thoughts of robbing a modiste, Tycho tried finding a good place to perch himself where he could focus better. Too high and he would end up falling when he was in human form. Too low and Ford would get him with that blanket he was waving around at him. He managed to gain control of his wings once more so he was kind of hovering around Ford, avoiding the blanket as best as he could.
He imagined his own form in his head, picturing every detail of himself. It worked and he changed back to his human form. Only he forgot the part about clothing so he was naked as the day he was born outside of his amulet. He had also transformed mid-hover and that had resulted in him crash landing on top of Ford. Luckily, he had not been so high up that either of them were hurt though the wind was knocked out of Tycho for a bit.
But still. Tycho was hella naked with all five of his tattoos on full display as well as other parts of him. "Well, that was an experience," he said as he managed to roll off of Ford so that he was lying on his back beside him.
He imagined his own form in his head, picturing every detail of himself. It worked and he changed back to his human form. Only he forgot the part about clothing so he was naked as the day he was born outside of his amulet. He had also transformed mid-hover and that had resulted in him crash landing on top of Ford. Luckily, he had not been so high up that either of them were hurt though the wind was knocked out of Tycho for a bit.
But still. Tycho was hella naked with all five of his tattoos on full display as well as other parts of him. "Well, that was an experience," he said as he managed to roll off of Ford so that he was lying on his back beside him.