There was nothing for Natsuko to judge - after all she had written into the letter service. Albeit she had not expected to learn that the applicant was also a woman seeking a companion for a male family member. It had had the rather pleasant consequence of introducing her to Miss Dashwood, who seemed like a rather interesting person in her own right.
'Not as much now as when I was at school, I obviously did not attend Hogwarts, and did some travelling before I returned here for my debut' she explained, 'but I've not been back to my old stomping grounds in more than 2 years.' she said with a small, almost sad, smile. 'It is something that I wish to do, especially as my father had properties in India and Japan, which are now in my possession, but which I neglected in actually visiting' she gave a small laugh, as far as she knew the one in Japan was shut up, and overseen only by an elderly caretaker, the one in India had some.
'Have you been much out of England?' she asked Miss Dashwood, 'I understand that the grand tour is much more reserved for men than for you women.' there was no grand tour in Japan, per se but it's lack of formality meant that more girls did it.
'Not as much now as when I was at school, I obviously did not attend Hogwarts, and did some travelling before I returned here for my debut' she explained, 'but I've not been back to my old stomping grounds in more than 2 years.' she said with a small, almost sad, smile. 'It is something that I wish to do, especially as my father had properties in India and Japan, which are now in my possession, but which I neglected in actually visiting' she gave a small laugh, as far as she knew the one in Japan was shut up, and overseen only by an elderly caretaker, the one in India had some.
'Have you been much out of England?' she asked Miss Dashwood, 'I understand that the grand tour is much more reserved for men than for you women.' there was no grand tour in Japan, per se but it's lack of formality meant that more girls did it.