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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Viola R. Foxwood {FIN}
Full Name: Viola Rosamond Foxwood (née Alderton)
Nicknames: Sometimes called Vi, usually by her siblings
Birthdate: June 23rd, 1841
Current Age: 50
Gender: Female
Occupation: Socialite
Reputation: 9
Residence: Wellingtonshire, Hogsmeade
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff Alumna
Wand: Hazelwood, 13”, Unicorn Tail Hair, Sturdy
Blood Status: Pureblood
Social Class: Upper
Atticus Foxwood I, Late Husband (1834-1884)
Atticus Foxwood II, Son (b. 1861)
Basil Foxwood, Son (b. 1863)

Arthur Alderton, Father (1811-1884)
Helena Alderton (née Rabnott), Mother (b. 1818)
Arthur Alderton II, Brother (b. 1838); and family
Eloisa —--- (née Alderton), Sister (b. 1843); and family
Anthony Alderton, Brother (b. 1847); and family
Adaline —--- (née Alderton), Sister (b. 1847); and family
Georgiana Dashwood (née Alderton), Sister (b. 1854)
— Alexander Dashwood, Brother-in-law (b. 1830)
— Letitia Poppy Dashwood, Niece (b. 1874)
— Laurel Dashwood, Niece (b. 1879)
Lincoln Dashwood, Nephew (b. 1881)
-- Standing at a petite 5'2", Viola was never one to be called tall and willowy and is slightly more on the plumper side — especially given her love of sweet things.
-- Her Alderton blue eyes are striking against the creamy palor of her skin and her dark brown hair, which is usually kept in a simple updo by day, a more elaborate arrangement during evening engagements, and a braid at night. When down, it falls just a little before her waist.
-- In terms of style, while she follows the fashions of the era, she is more sophisticated in her style. In her younger years, she might have entertained the frills, bows, and ruffles that adorn many debutantes' dresses today, but now she prefers to exude a stately yet feminine presence.
-- She is right-handed, and wields both a wand and a quill in that manner.
CHILDHOOD (1841 - 1852)

SUMMER OF 1841 | Viola Rosamond — named after both her grandmothers, Violet Alderton and Rosamond Rabnott, respectively — was born to the affluent Alderton family as the second child and first daughter in Bath, England. Given her sex, her birth was not as lauded as her brother’s three years prior, and she was promptly handed off into the care of a nanny.

YEARS 1842-1848 | Viola’s childhood progressed in quite a typical fashion. Largely cared for by a nanny, her relationship with her parents was distant yet amiable, though she could boast a closer bond with her mother than her father. As more children joined the family — Eloisa in 1843, twins Anthony and Adaline in 1847, and Georgiana in 1854 — Viola’s natural propensity for nurturing appears, and she takes on more of a maternal role in her younger siblings’ lives.

In 1847, at age six, she was given a governess to instruct her in the ways of being a lady of good breeding. While by no means an overachiever, one couldn’t say that she wasn’t diligent in her studies, particularly in areas that she was interested in, which were often creative pursuits such as painting, music, embroidery, and dancing.

AUTUMN OF 1849 | The eldest Alderton child, Ambrose, departed for Hogwarts where he was sorted into the Slytherin house. Admittedly her favorite sibling (though she would deny having any favorites among her siblings), his absence saddened Viola, and she wrote to him often over the school year.

SUMMER OF 1852 | Viola received her Hogwarts acceptance letter in late July, and with her governess in tow, purchased her first (and only) wand — a sturdy 12 ⅓” Hazelwood wand with a unicorn tail hair core.

SCHOOL YEARS (1852 - 1859)

FIRST YEAR (1852 - 1853) | After some deliberation between Hufflepuff and Slytherin, the Sorting Hat declared her a Hufflepuff. She struggled with homesickness the first few weeks of term, though settled once she got into a steady routine of clubs and classes. Academically, she was an average student at best, but being particularly diligent in Astronomy and Charms with a natural propensity for Potions. While she enjoyed Herbology in theory, she found the handling of various plants rather messy and preferred to leave the planting in the capable hands of actual green thumbs. She was also an active participant in both music and art classes at her mother’s behest.

SECOND YEAR (1853 - 1854) | TBD when I can think of something.

THIRD YEAR (1854 - 1855) | Viola’s younger sister  joined the Alderton siblings at Hogwarts where she was sorted into the —--- house. Viola tried to be a helping guide where her sister’s first year was concerned, though it seemed Eloisa was able to manage just fine on her own.

This was also the year that Viola chose Divination as her sole OWL-level elective. She was surprised to discover that she has a natural affinity for the subject, though her ability to read people and situations in general likely contributed to her often insightful readings.

FOURTH YEAR (1855 - 1856) | Ambrose graduated at the end of the school year, embarking on a tour of Europe at the start of summer. Viola was fascinated by his many letters detailing his travels, and while one would have assumed that she would’ve been jealous of his adventures, Viola was perfectly happy to get his first-hand account from the comfort of her own home.

FIFTH YEAR (1856 - 1857) | Viola was made Prefect for Hufflepuff in her fifth year. Her parents were extremely proud, and it was one of the few moments in her life that Viola could recall, other than her first bout of magic and receiving her Hogwarts letter, that their attention was focused solely upon her and their praise made her determined to do her new position justice.

SIXTH YEAR (1857 - 1858) | Due to her prefect status, Viola was not pulled from Hogwarts and sent off to be finished abroad. She continued her NEWT studies with Astronomy, Charms, Divination, and Potions.

SEVENTH YEAR (1858 - 1859) | Just as Viola ended her Hogwarts education, her twin siblings, Adaline and Anthony, began theirs. Viola sat her NEWTs with promising-enough scores in May and debuted later in the month, joining society as a fresh-faced debutante.


SUMMER OF 1859 | Being of similar social standings with equally similar business ventures in Bath, the Foxwoods and the Aldertons were often thrown together in some way or other, and while an arrangement was never officially established between Viola and the eldest Foxwood son, it was always encouraged by both parties.

So when Atticus Foxwood started paying her particular attention soon after her debut, Viola wasn’t terribly surprised. Their union would please both of their parents’ and satisfy their respective duties, and if there was anything they both had in common and could agree on, it was familial duty.

SUMMER OF 1860 | Miss Viola Alderton became Mrs. Viola Foxwood in a lavish ceremony in June. While their union wasn’t one for the storybooks, both were pleased by this arrangement, and especially so when Viola was pregnant with their first child before the year’s end.

SUMMER OF 1861 | Atticus Ulric II was born on a balmy summer day in mid-July. Viola had never known a love or a fierce protectiveness like it the first time she held her baby boy, and vowed to do everything she can to ensure his happiness.

The summer also saw Viola’s younger sister, Eloisa, graduate and debut into society. After the success of Viola’s marriage, their parents were quick to secure a match for their second daughter, and Eloisa was engaged before the year was out.

YEAR OF 1862 | Eloisa gets married in the spring, and Viola discovered that she was expecting again in the fall.

SUMMER OF 1863 | Basil Arthur, named after his maternal grandfather, was born on a mild summer day in June. This pregnancy proved more difficult than the last, and she was put on bedrest during the final month before the birth. Despite that, however, Basil came happy and healthy into the world which was all that mattered.

YEARS 1863 - 1871 | Life continued on in quite a typical fashion for Viola and her family. Her boys grew, Foxwood focused on affairs related to the estate and their fortune, siblings graduated and married and created families of their own. They never did have any more children, something which had always saddened Viola as she would have liked a big family, but contented herself with raising the two that she already had — even though she often wished that Foxwood’s favoritism for Atticus wasn’t so blatant. Sensing her youngest’s struggle, Viola tried to make up for his father’s disdain by providing the support and acceptance that he wasn’t giving, but would later come to realize that this was at the detriment of her boys’ relationship.

FALL OF 1872 | Viola could hardly believe when the time came for Atticus Jr. to leave for Hogwarts. She had been loathed to let him go, but knew it was a necessary part of growing up, and she tearfully said goodbye to him in September. True to his Foxwood heritage, he was sorted into Ravenclaw.

FALL OF 1874 | Basil’s departure for Hogwarts hit Viola just slightly harder than she would let on. Not due to any sort of favoritism on her part (well… somewhat), but with both of her children away at school, she had felt a little adrift without a clear purpose to sustain her. To combat this new sense of aimlessness, Viola began focusing more on her philanthropic duties to society, and could often be found throwing balls, auctions, dinners, and other various social engagements all in the name of charity.

YEAR OF 1877 | The Muggle Riots ensued, and much like many in the magical community, the Foxwoods were forced to relocate from their spacious estate in Bath to the up-and-coming town of Hogsmeade just outside of where Hogwarts stood. For Viola, this move was anxiety-inducing. She doesn’t do well with big changes, and leaving the home that she’s run for over seventeen years left her once again feeling off-kilter. Her husband’s outright disagreement with the Ministry didn’t help matters either, and she was glad when everything was tidily resolved by the end of the year — even if she still couldn’t view Hogsmeade as home.

SUMMER OF 1879 | Atticus Jr. graduated from school and took his place in society as the Foxwood heir. Viola was incredibly happy to have him home on a more permanent basis again, and although he was a little young for marriage, she couldn’t help but show off her handsome boy at various social events.

SUMMER OF 1881 | Basil graduated with stellar NEWT scores — particularly in Transfiguration — though rather than immediately join society, he continued to pursue his academic studies.  Naturally, Foxwood disapproved of this endeavor and had no qualms with making it known, which put Viola in a rather delicate situation of wanting to appease her husband yet support her son. In the end, she managed to encourage Basil to participate at the bare minimum of simply showing up when invited. It wasn’t ideal, but it (somewhat) mollified her husband and kept him off of Basil’s back.

SUMMER OF 1884 | Tragedy befell the Foxwood household with the arrival of the Laughing Plague in June 1884, taking the lives of not just her father and her brother, but her husband as well. While she couldn’t claim to have loved Foxwood, she had been fond of him. They had understood each other, they had built a life together and raised two beautiful sons, and for that, she mourned him as a widow should. Her dislike of Hogsmeade only deepens.

YEAR OF 1885 | Although they were minus one in number, life continued on for the Foxwoods. Atticus, after much trial and error and Viola’s unwavering support (even at times when he didn’t fully deserve it), eventually found his footing as new head of the household. Basil, on the other hand, found solace in his studies and even published his first paper on Transfiguration. With Foxwood’s death, Viola is a little more lenient with youngest’s academic endeavors, and despite only understanding half of what was written, seeing her son’s name attached to something he created filled her with a sense of pride.

YEAR OF 1887 | The year that wizarding and muggle relations are once more reconciled. Viola’s views were no more changed than they were before the move to Hogsmeade, though she was glad that it prompted Atticus to regain the family estate in Bath. She had dearly missed that house, and if Atticus wasn’t rebuilding it for his own purposes, Viola would have asked to relocate now that magical society was mostly spread out after the Laughing Plague.

YEAR OF 1888 | She perhaps should have known that something like this might happen eventually, though she was still shocked when Basil joined the Hogwarts staff as a Transfiguration professor. She was also a little hurt that he hadn’t been comfortable enough to approach her about it beforehand. Would she have maybe gently dissuaded him from going for it? Maybe. Would she have expressly forbidden it? No.

PRESENT | In March 1892, the Foxwoods were given quite a scare when Viola came down with an illness similar to that of the Laughing Plague. Fortunately, it wasn’t and the source of the laughing curse — a bad batch of her favorite custom chocolates, strangely enough— was eventually found and destroyed, though not before giving them all quite a fright. Though if there was anything good that came from her being ill, it was her sons bonding after years of misunderstandings and the strain brought about by their father’s preference for one over the other. So if Viola took a little longer than usual to recover, well, that was neither here nor there and could be best explained away by her advanced age.

Cancer. ESFJ. Kind, but no pushover. Family-oriented; she cares deeply for her family and is fiercely protective of them. She enjoys feeling needed. Tries to be open-minded, but tends to be more traditional in her views. Dutiful and responsible; she knows her place and what is expected of her, and she generally expects others to know the same. She does, however, have a soft spot for her favorites and is more lenient with them than others.  Sentimental — sometimes overly so. Naturally intuitive; she can read people and situations well, and can occasionally predict an outcome based on her observings. Sensitive. Very loyal; especially to her own. Has a tendency to put others’ needs before her own. Prone to bouts of anxiety, especially in situations that she has no control over.
-- Patronus: TBD, though she has never learned to cast one anyway.
Boggart: Both of her sons dead from the Laughing Plague.
Amortentia: Violets, earl gray tea, and salt from the sea.
– She is a soft purist; she won’t go out of her way to associate with muggles and muggleborns, but has no qualms with halfbloods. Also views blood purity as a symbol of status more than anything else.
– She called her late husband Foxwood to differentiate between him and their eldest son of the same name.
– While she is too practical to take it too seriously, she does dabble a bit in Divination as a casual hobby. Stealthy tea leaf readings after taking afternoon tea or breakfast, reading the horoscopes in the Daily Prophet or Witch Weekly, and palmistry readings for a bit of amusement with friends are all examples of this.
-- She also dabbles in Potions. Nothing too complex, of course, but she does make her own beauty potions and healing concoctions for everyday use.
Name: Miri
Age: 25

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Viola R. Foxwood {FIN} - by Viola Foxwood - April 19, 2022 – 5:22 PM
Viola R. Foxwood {FIN} - by Elias Grimstone - April 26, 2022 – 2:22 PM
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