Sisse Thompsett I'm really up for testing out everything. Ned is a herbology nerd so he'd have something to talk to Dahlia, even if he'd be alarmed by her age and energy >D ALSO on an unrelated note, I'd love to throw Ned and Caroline together and see how they interact. Ned is Evander's old friend and he has opinions~ about wives and marriage. I'd assume he and Caroline would not be each others' greatest fans at the moment.
Thaddeus Flint Yes for Ned/Bernard! And I'd like the idea that Ned's dad was in Knights, and perhaps even he himself in his younger years (for career advancement!). But these days the whole absolute blood purity thing makes him vaguely nervous (because squib daughter, etc.) so he'd probably try to avoid them, and they wouldn't care for him either, right? As for Murdock, Ned tends to view most other (ex-)Gryffindors with a mix of exasperation and alarm. He would most likely assume that Murdock doesn't even know who he is, though since Ned was the head boy when Murdock started Hogwarts he probably would (if my math is right)?
Thaddeus Flint Yes for Ned/Bernard! And I'd like the idea that Ned's dad was in Knights, and perhaps even he himself in his younger years (for career advancement!). But these days the whole absolute blood purity thing makes him vaguely nervous (because squib daughter, etc.) so he'd probably try to avoid them, and they wouldn't care for him either, right? As for Murdock, Ned tends to view most other (ex-)Gryffindors with a mix of exasperation and alarm. He would most likely assume that Murdock doesn't even know who he is, though since Ned was the head boy when Murdock started Hogwarts he probably would (if my math is right)?