Wonderful, let's set a date then. How about March or April? I believe my Hogsmeade duties have me quite tied up until then, especially after the recent stint home. I can't afford to anger Black if I want that Head of House title any time soon...
And yes, I am quite aware! Mother has made the entire thing a lasting nuisance resulting in my memorizing at least a few of the meanings and symbols. (She's quite aggressive assertive my mother.) I arrived in London with only blue periwinkles and white acacias. Both blatant symbols of friendship, and nothing more. However, if you ever have need of offense, try slapping someone with an orange lily or showing jealousy by spearing them with the stem of a yellow hyacinth. That will get all the skirts in a huff.
P.S. - Oh, and the young lady is Ms. Victoire Malfoy.