He chuckled as Bram claimed that all sorts of things could be found in sofas. A stray galleon or two perhaps but Esteban had never found anything that interested him much in the sofas.
He frowned a bit when Bram said he had lost a few of his things. Lost them or had them taken? Esteban knew that sometimes bullying occurred and he was quite protective of his friends. Especially Bram who was so shy and sweet that Esteban had a feeling he would try and hide what had happened. Or who had done so. Probably wise as Esteban was not in a life situation where he could be expelled for throwing a fist into the face of some uppity dandy type.
"Then I'll help you find them. Which things are they?"
He frowned a bit when Bram said he had lost a few of his things. Lost them or had them taken? Esteban knew that sometimes bullying occurred and he was quite protective of his friends. Especially Bram who was so shy and sweet that Esteban had a feeling he would try and hide what had happened. Or who had done so. Probably wise as Esteban was not in a life situation where he could be expelled for throwing a fist into the face of some uppity dandy type.
"Then I'll help you find them. Which things are they?"

Set by MJ