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What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

This Is: Delilah
(March 25, 2022 – 4:14 AM)Reuben Crouch Wrote:  Ben here may have crossed paths with her in general MC society and Eldritch Morgan was a near peer in school but probably not more than a passing acquaintance with either of them.
@"Juliana Binns" They might get along? They just need a random project they're both passionate over to bond and geek over lol.

Well.... that's awkward xD And least Jemima wasn't have a grand ol' time either.

(March 25, 2022 – 12:14 PM)Melody Crouch Wrote:  I'm super excited for future @"Fallon Hatchitt"/Deliliah interactions :D!

Outside of that, Dorian Fisk was her yearmate in Ravenclaw and is super outgoing/charming. He likely flirted with her to some degree if you'd want!

@"Fallon Hatchitt"  Yessss. Me too. Remorse? Nah lol. I feel like I might ping you on discord to hash out some personal history if they have any? But I can definitely add a starter to my list!

Dorian Fisk Done and done. He could be her rebound at Hogwarts when she was mad at Jesse and he wasn't getting any lol. Or harmless flirting. Either way, accepted.

(March 25, 2022 – 12:31 PM)Yuri Podsnapper Wrote:  I have @"Benevolence Montague" - who is younger but a plant nerd so they should have things to talk about.

@"Benevolence Montague" will see her at her shop a lot, so they should just become instant best friends.

(March 25, 2022 – 12:38 PM)Sisse Thompsett Wrote:  oh! I have @"Marie-Louise Skovgaard"  (Malou) who is a healer at St. Mungo's, was a year behind her (I think?) and is best friends with @"Fallon Hatchitt". In fact she lived with Fallon for almost a decade. She also enjoys herbology, and may have been in Delilah's NEWT class. Malou is shy but is friends with several other female friends at the hospital so if Delilah had approached her I could see them being friends.

Also I think my Grace Riley is the same age as her oldest kid or there abouts. She lives in Irvingly tho. But her mom is a healer at the Irvingly Infirmary. So play date for her kids? Grace is even more shy than Malou and terrified of everything.

When she is ready to hurl the only one I really have is Felix Prewett who would be an option if she isn't looking for someone to love her. Well he might friend love her, but it would be more a marriage of convience scenerio if it worked out.
@"Marie-Louise Skovgaard"  Oh, yes! I would love for her to have some healer friends/colleagues at the hospital, especially people she might have history with.

Grace Riley Aw, yes! Lila would be all about playdates for her kids. She adores them and by extension would probably adore Grace if she was friends with her kids.

Felix Prewett I'm not opposed to this option haha. We'll have to circle back when she's out of her mourning period!

(March 26, 2022 – 12:21 AM)Elias Grimstone Wrote:  Yassss sister <333

Rosamund Bones works at St. Mungo's, friendly w/that young female healer gang! (Ari Fisk is head of P&PP at the other hospital.)

Frank Rosewood is a herbology nerd, could def have a fun thread here!

My former MC Gryffindors closest in age would be William Blake Abrahams, a little older and sweet but v shy, and Tybalt Kirke, a bit younger and a class clown. Before he got married last year, he was also Jesse Hatchitt's roommate for a bit xD
Hope Jemima is ready for a chaperone who will consistently watch her like a hawk >)

Rosamund Bones So clearly Delilah needs to get in on this female healer gang to make some friends lol. 

Frank Rosewood Yes! I was going to steal his open thread but someone beat me to it lol. I would love for them to geek out about herbology and what not.

William Blake Abrahams Haha, well they could have some class interaction. I could also awkwardly throw her at Sanditon for some reason if we wanted a thread! Not that she has good memories there now xD

Tybalt Kirke Awkward. He probably saw her and Jesse together a lot anddd.. I wish I could say she'd be embarrassed but she's not xD No shame in teenage hormones.

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Messages In This Thread
This Is: Delilah - by Delilah Warbeck - March 25, 2022 – 12:26 AM
RE: This Is: Delilah - by Reuben Crouch - March 25, 2022 – 4:14 AM
RE: This Is: Delilah - by Melody Crouch - March 25, 2022 – 12:14 PM
RE: This Is: Delilah - by Yuri Podsnapper - March 25, 2022 – 12:31 PM
RE: This Is: Delilah - by Sisse Thompsett - March 25, 2022 – 12:38 PM
RE: This Is: Delilah - by Elias Grimstone - March 26, 2022 – 12:21 AM
RE: This Is: Delilah - by Delilah Warbeck - March 27, 2022 – 1:17 AM
RE: This Is: Delilah - by Elsie Kirke - March 27, 2022 – 2:49 PM
RE: This Is: Delilah - by Lydia Morozova - March 27, 2022 – 4:55 PM
RE: This Is: Delilah - by Delilah Warbeck - March 31, 2022 – 12:05 AM
RE: This Is: Delilah - by Sisse Thompsett - March 31, 2022 – 12:52 PM
RE: This Is: Delilah - by Elias Grimstone - March 31, 2022 – 4:30 PM
RE: This Is: Delilah - by Naeva Marshall - March 31, 2022 – 6:32 PM
RE: This Is: Delilah - by Delilah Warbeck - April 1, 2022 – 2:57 AM
RE: This Is: Delilah - by Elias Grimstone - April 1, 2022 – 10:52 AM
RE: This Is: Delilah - by Juliana Ainsworth - April 9, 2022 – 9:53 PM
RE: This Is: Delilah - by Delilah Warbeck - April 10, 2022 – 2:15 PM
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