Legit never considered this. But since they are at school and there are no social expectations other than class - I'd say hair styles etc would be a lot less ornate.
I know that in ordinary 19th century girls schools poorer girls would have been assigned to help wealthier girls. -practice for the sort of companion/governess duties they would have in the future.
In schools like eton older boys had 'fags' - 1st or 2nd year boys who would run errands or 'serve' older ones in exchange for money.
For Hogwarts - it would make sense for these sorts of duties to perhaps be done by a house elf - one to each room to do simple hair styles and help with dressing? I'd suggest a scholarship student but in a world were house elves exist I don't know why anyone would bother.
I know that in ordinary 19th century girls schools poorer girls would have been assigned to help wealthier girls. -practice for the sort of companion/governess duties they would have in the future.
In schools like eton older boys had 'fags' - 1st or 2nd year boys who would run errands or 'serve' older ones in exchange for money.
For Hogwarts - it would make sense for these sorts of duties to perhaps be done by a house elf - one to each room to do simple hair styles and help with dressing? I'd suggest a scholarship student but in a world were house elves exist I don't know why anyone would bother.