The flourish with which she crossed out his name seemed a little excessive. He frowned. Obviously she wasn't seriously planning to spend so much on something she wanted to put in her tea. Nevermind that bloodroot syrup was poisonous, at least in the form it was currently sold in. In theory she could have had some magical process to neutralize the poison in it before consuming it, but that still begged the question of why someone would go through so much effort when sugar would do quite as well. No, she had something else in mind for the item and simply didn't want to tell him. Of course, that mystery made him want to win it all the more, but he could hardly outbid her while she was still hovering over the sheet. He'd have to push her aside to reach the quill, at this point.
"There's a shop in Diagon that sells twenty sorts of flavored honeys," he said dryly. "Perhaps I can get you a jar."
"There's a shop in Diagon that sells twenty sorts of flavored honeys," he said dryly. "Perhaps I can get you a jar."

MJ is the light of my life <3