"That is impressive," Art said with a genuine grin. He didn't know what was with this crowd and the tree - okay yes he did, he was infatuated with the thing too - but supposed that it might end up working out for them.
Of course, he would rather people be just a bit more quiet. The sound of someone shouting shrilly for no good reason - (possibly a child, which was reason in and of itself) - had Arthur cringing. He took a step towards Dezzie on automatic.
(As much as he had been attracted to chaos and noise since leaving prison, there were some sounds that hit a tad too close to home. He was half-sure that the sound of a grown man crying would send him into a flying rage, or at least into sarcasm.)
Of course, he would rather people be just a bit more quiet. The sound of someone shouting shrilly for no good reason - (possibly a child, which was reason in and of itself) - had Arthur cringing. He took a step towards Dezzie on automatic.
(As much as he had been attracted to chaos and noise since leaving prison, there were some sounds that hit a tad too close to home. He was half-sure that the sound of a grown man crying would send him into a flying rage, or at least into sarcasm.)