His answer should have appeased her, but instead, it felt as if she was laced too tightly into her wedding gown. Perhaps it was the spell she'd woven over herself to hide the baby. There was nothing to hide yet, not even on her small frame, but she wasn't magically proficient by accident. She placed the charm every morning, despite the energy it required. She would do so until they were safely abroad and far from prying eyes. But Merlin, she lacked the energy to hold the spell and deal with his petulance tonight.
Resisting the urge to slouch, she perched on the edge of an artfully decorated bed, Angelica was loathed to admit it would most likely remain untouched tonight. What a perfect start to a marriage.
"Is there anything else you require of me?" She hadn't meant it to sound suspicious, so she forced herself to breathe before trying again, "I will try and be accommodating."
Resisting the urge to slouch, she perched on the edge of an artfully decorated bed, Angelica was loathed to admit it would most likely remain untouched tonight. What a perfect start to a marriage.
"Is there anything else you require of me?" She hadn't meant it to sound suspicious, so she forced herself to breathe before trying again, "I will try and be accommodating."