'mmmh' Bernard acknowledged. It was rare that someone was actually impressed by Bernards abilities, usually he was hushed up and told not to bring everyone down or blamed for the near miss - as though his vision has caused the mishap rather than merely foretold it. Although that was a rather interesting area for future study -whether seer magic foresaw the future, or somehow conjured it into being through some innate power of non-verbal magic. A bit like children and accidental magic when they were feeling particularly strong emotion. He would need to make a mental note to perhaps initiate a study on that when he got back into the office.
'Um...I did.' he tapped the side of his head to indicate that he had had a vision, he was fairly sure it was the universal signal for these things. 'It didn't.....get you did it?' he asked, looking the other up and down his lip curled, not in disdain for the man, but at the prospect of the night soil on his clothing.
'Um...I did.' he tapped the side of his head to indicate that he had had a vision, he was fairly sure it was the universal signal for these things. 'It didn't.....get you did it?' he asked, looking the other up and down his lip curled, not in disdain for the man, but at the prospect of the night soil on his clothing.
![[Image: WXgUmdP.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/WXgUmdP.jpg)