It looked like he was not going to be escaping his office. Instead, he was closed into it. Sob.
Desi listened as Greengrass aid his piece about the hauntings file. Oh, that thing. There was always a backlog in there. They tended to fall to the lowest priority since Muggles couldn't see ghosts anyway nor did most even know the Ministry existed if they were not married into the wizarding world. And even in those instances, the magical relation explained things to the muggle and took care of it themselves or reported it themselves.
"We should rename that thing since most of them are not truly muggle reported," Desi said idly, likely focusing on the aspect that Greengrass would not personally find relevant. "So you want to spend time you could be elsewhere - going through a file that is low priority?" Though he supposed it would be good to get it out of the way. Better Greengrass than him anyway.
Desi listened as Greengrass aid his piece about the hauntings file. Oh, that thing. There was always a backlog in there. They tended to fall to the lowest priority since Muggles couldn't see ghosts anyway nor did most even know the Ministry existed if they were not married into the wizarding world. And even in those instances, the magical relation explained things to the muggle and took care of it themselves or reported it themselves.
"We should rename that thing since most of them are not truly muggle reported," Desi said idly, likely focusing on the aspect that Greengrass would not personally find relevant. "So you want to spend time you could be elsewhere - going through a file that is low priority?" Though he supposed it would be good to get it out of the way. Better Greengrass than him anyway.