How curious- not a mothers reply but a cousins. When she wrote she signed her own name - as the other woman was a reader of Witch Weekly, it would allow her to get the measure of her before considering her invitation.
Dear Miss Poppy,
I am pleased to hear from you and should be delighted to make your acquaintance over tea. I am in possession of my own home and should be delighted to host you here at your convenience, which may provide an opportunity for you to take my measure in my own habitat. Otherwise, we might meet for tea in either Hogsmeade or London as suits you.
If nothing else, I shall have made a new acquaintance.
Kind Regards,
Miss Natsuko Mountbatton
I am pleased to hear from you and should be delighted to make your acquaintance over tea. I am in possession of my own home and should be delighted to host you here at your convenience, which may provide an opportunity for you to take my measure in my own habitat. Otherwise, we might meet for tea in either Hogsmeade or London as suits you.
If nothing else, I shall have made a new acquaintance.
Kind Regards,
Miss Natsuko Mountbatton