Welcome to Charming
Welcome to Charming, the year is now 1895. It’s time to join us and immerse yourself in scandal and drama interlaced with magic both light and dark.

Where will you fall?

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Did you know? Jewelry of jet was the haute jewelry of the Victorian era. — Fallin
What she got was the opposite of what she wanted, also known as the subtitle to her marriage.
all dolled up with you

Cecily Sybil Smirnov
Full Name: Cecily Sybil Smirnov
Nicknames: Sybil
Friendly: Sissy, Syb, Merry (a play on Mir → Mirry), Cici
Antagonistic: Hag, Mutt, Smirny, Warts, Russki
Birthdate: April 30, 1876
Current Age: 16 Years
Gender: Perceived female
Very apathetic towards gender (technically private about this but will tell someone if asked/prompted)
Occupation: Fifth-year Student
Reputation: 7
  • Family has well-known hag heritage
  • Great-great-granddaughter of a hag
Residence: Swallowbury District, Irvingly
Hogwarts House: Slytherin
Wand: Yew, 14”, supple, single phoenix flight feather
Blood Status: Half
Social Class: Working
  • Rollo Conner [1831] || Grandfather, Head Butler
  • Alastair Smirnov [1850] || Father, Local Potioneer
  • Amalia Smirnov née Stoica [1864] || Mother, Photographer for the Daily Prophet
  • Spencer Smirnov [1880] || (little) Brother, Squib
  • Jonty Smirnov [1883] || (little) Brother, Child
  • Jago Smirnov [1884] || (little) Brother, Child

  • Lilith [????] || Great-great-grandmother, Hag
  • Minerva [1851] || Half-Aunt, Hag
  • Anastasia [1851] || Half-Aunt, Hag
General | At 5’11½” (though she doesn’t often boast that half an inch unless you anger her), Cecily is very confident in her appearance. She’s pretty – with a nice set of curves and a strong build as well as a nice face – and she knows it; her self-esteem is not centered in her looks but she’s not dumb.

Expressions | Cecily is always grinning in some manner and her smiles can mean a lot of different things; she has almost one for every occasion. However, if you don’t know her well, then you wouldn’t be able to tell; it’s in the squint of her eyes, the pull of her dimples and flashing of her teeth or even the rise of her brows. And this all combines in different ways.

Deportment | Habitually crosses arms and stands with one hip or the other cocked; naturally stands tall and isn’t afraid to tower over others (though mostly non-threateningly). Rests head on hand when reading or listening to lectures; plays with hair when thinking.

Fashion | Highly practical in regards to clothes; hair is untamable, so she doesn’t bother with it. Often wears it however she wakes with it. Loves scarves, due to both being cold-natured as well as a good place to keep her pet Salem warm and on her person. Typically wears layers and overly modest clothing for comfort's sake. Forgoes gloves, but does wear hats at times.

Accessories | Sometimes has on reading glasses.

Scent | Bonfire, new books and incense (natural).

Distinguishing Characteristics | Her many, many dark freckles everywhere and her high-pitch laugh (can be mean-naturedly called a cackle).

Face Claim | Salem Mitchell

1870 || The Romanian traveler’s family, the Stoicas, stop in Russia for a season; their youngest daughter, Amalia, falls for a local potioneer Alastair Smirnov. Her family moves on without her; the village is not welcoming.

1875 || The couple are common-law married at this point, as no church will marry a man with two hag sisters; Alastair’s sisters start to make themselves known in the area. The couple moves closer to the Russian border, away from the growing muggle suspicions.

1876 || Cecily Sybil is born. A letter comes from England; Alastair burns it. One of Alastair’s sisters visits, is disappointed that her niece is just a plain human and vanishes back into the Russian wilds.

1877-1878 || More letters come and, unable to help her curiosity, Amalia opens one. And then another. And another. Alastair refuses to write back to the sender.

Early 1879 || Cecily shows her first signs of magic by accidentally jinxing a local farmer’s barncat; it sets the village astir. She starts having trouble staying asleep and wanders the small cottage, vaguely hearing her parents talking. It starts to dissolve into arguments over time, but then her mother announces her pregnancy; Cecily is ecstatic but her father seems… tired.

Late 1879 || Alastair’s mother visits; she is oldly green but always has candy for Cecily. One night, as she listens to the old woman tell stories by the fire, she falls asleep with ease for once. When she wakes, her mother is holding her and her father is angrily arguing with her grandmother – something about how there should be a line drawn and not kidnapping family members.

January 1880 || The family makes the move to Wizarding England – an old man meets them at the station in Hogsmeade. He introduces himself as Rollo Conner… her grandfather. The tension between him and her father is hard to ignore, even for a little girl.

1880 || The family lives in the slums and her little brother Spencer is born; her father gets an apprenticeship with a potioneer from London (as much as he detests it). Her… grandfather comes by often, but her father keeps turning him away; her mother will not tell her why when she asks. She begins attending a proper English primary school with other working class children of magical birth.

1881 || Word starts getting around about the Smirnov’s being hags; Cecily loses many of her friends and is confused and hurt. Mama pulls her aside to explain: her father was the great-grandson of a hag, as well as the bastard of Head Butler Rollo Conner to boot. The young girl was told quite plainly about how hag heritage works; her mother had wept as she explained that, really, it was a miracle that Cecily wasn’t one herself. When word spreads of the successful establishment of a mixed community in Irvingly, her father packs all four of them up and moves there.

1882 || The family cannot escape for long – soon, it is common knowledge in both Hogsmeade and Irvingly that the Smirnov’s have hag blood. Spencer gains his own bullies and there are many a day Cecily comes home bruised and battered for defending both of them.

1883 || Jonty is born; Spencer still shows no signs of magic and as his bullies increase by the month in both boldness and number, Cecily promises herself to be the best big sister she can be.

1884 Jago is born. Rollo Conner starts visiting again, but… her father doesn’t turn him away anymore. She overhears him apologizing to her dad one late night, for being a foolish kid that couldn’t see past the end of his own nose (as well as something about “leaving him with that woman”); her mother finds her before she can go any further and sends her to bed. Her parents' English is still poor at best and so Cecily helps her grandfather teach them.

1886 || Papa gets a job at a local potions shop and Mama gets one as a photographer for the Daily Prophet. Cecily takes over caring for her brothers, wanting to help her parents however she can: she makes sure they all get to school safely, are fed and watched over until her parents come home for the day. Her Hogwart’s Acceptance letter officially arrives that summer and her parents throw her a surprise party.

1887 || Cecily goes to Hogwarts and is sorted in Slytherin; she’s hopeful and awestruck by the whole place. The rumors of her hag blood follow her to school, unfortunately, and children are not kind.

1888 || Cecily returns to Hogwarts, having managed to obtain the Full Academic scholarship for her second year. She plans to keep it if it kills her – every penny her parents save can go to her little brother’s education prospects, so she will pave the way for them… After all, she’s the big sister.

1889 || Another year at Hogwarts, funded by the Full Academic scholarship; she shows a natural knack for the darker arts, taking to jinxes and such a bit too easily. At the same time, a green-skinned woman tries to pay the family a visit; Papa chases her off, but the neighbors have seen. No one doubts anymore of the Smirnov lineage’s tiant. It all spooks her terribly and so she joins that Gardening Club to make herself feel better – she isn’t going to let her heritage ruin her life. She settles on filling all of her electives: Earth Magic, Ancient Runes and Ghoul studies.

1890 || She finds that potion making comes naturally; she joins the Charms Club and the Potions club in response. That summer, she starts meeting with her Grandfather outside of the house; he talks about his dreams of being in the DMLE in his youth and, curiosity piqued, Cecily starts to do her own research. She falls in love with the idea of being a Hit Witch, an Auror or-or even an Unspeakable – in those places she could put her magic to good use and help others. One her 15th birthday, someone anonymous sends her a gift: a startingly intelligent slow worm. Her parents aren’t excited but Cecily is smitten and names him Salem; he becomes a constant companion of hers.

1891 || Spencer does not receive his Hogwarts letter before September and the reality of it sets in: he’s a Squid. Instead of crying or throwing a fit, she watches as he begins to withdraw from the family. Cecily struggles between preparing for her fifth year of coming O.W.Ls and making sure he’s okay (and, more importantly, not alone). She returns to school with plans; she joins the Dueling Club and sets her mind on making it to her N.E.W.Ts – she has to have them, after all, to become part of the DMLE and start protecting people like her brother… Maybe she’ll need even more, though, given her heritage. She also trades Gardening club for Chess club as well, hoping to start working on her mental sharpness.

ENTP – The Turbulent Debater

Ambitious; clever; open-minded; fast on her feet; slow to anger; quick to laugh; naturally mischievous; good-natured; maternal/sororal; liberal-minded; outspoken; witty
  • Other Languages: some Russian
  • Boggart: A hooded witch with her wand and laugh, using dark magic
  • Patronus: Unknown
  • Pet: Salem (male slow worm lizard)
  • Clubs: Dueling, Potions, Charms, and Chess Club
  • Extra: An insomniac – struggles to stay asleep

  • Earth Magic
  • Ancient Runes
  • Ghoul Studies

Defense Against the Dark Arts--
History of Magic--

Name: Bones

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Cecily Sybil Smirnov - by Cecily Smirnov - February 6, 2022 – 8:13 PM
Cecily Sybil Smirnov - by Aldous Crouch - February 8, 2022 – 3:07 PM
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