I'd be ALL over threadding him with Dorothea Twycross! She's a Hogsmeade resident and probably a reasonably frequent patron and might flirt with him because he's cute. If he's into that or thinks she's annoying or just doesn't know what to make of her, I'm fine with it all hahaha. She's bubbly and cheerful and a touch eccentric in her interests.
Otherwise there's @"Juliana Binns" who has an infamous sweet tooth so she's probably stopped by often enough to be a familiar face; we can thread if that interests you at all, or not, either way
Gideon Ollivander might come back soon if I can find him something to do <3

Set by Lady!
Otherwise there's @"Juliana Binns" who has an infamous sweet tooth so she's probably stopped by often enough to be a familiar face; we can thread if that interests you at all, or not, either way

Gideon Ollivander might come back soon if I can find him something to do <3

Set by Lady!