The other man looked as shocked as he felt, at least. Though that seemed to have more to do with his name than his appearance.
Ishmael... the name rang familiar. "People have been calling that since I came to this country," he muttered before looking over at the other man as he asked where he was from. "America though my family beyond my great grandfather hailed from Liverpool. Are you from that area?" This was honestly so weird.
Ishmael... the name rang familiar. "People have been calling that since I came to this country," he muttered before looking over at the other man as he asked where he was from. "America though my family beyond my great grandfather hailed from Liverpool. Are you from that area?" This was honestly so weird.
If your character knows Ishmael, they might initially mistake Tariq for him.
“they tell me I'm a God,
I'm lost in the facade”
I'm lost in the facade”