— deep breath —
Ohh I'm down for hurling him and Frida together. Also yesss collecting Edric and Freddie as friends/similar circle acquaintences <33
He's not a purist! Likely a little classist, but not overtly so. He would likely be polite with Ginny but she might kind of scare him a little xD lol I am so down for Victor being awkward with Nephele trying to matchmake for him >D Let me know if you'd like me to start a thread with them!
Oooo I'm down for throwing them together and seeing what happens? LOL he'd likely find Barbie annoying >.>
Down for hurling, I think I was a fail last time we hurled Bellona - now that Camille's eloped, he might be less interested, but wouldn't be extremely rude. Also down for affair-hurling Rufina/Victor when she's revived!
LOL I'm down for that. He likely gets frustrated from time to time like any employee, but I don't think he bears any ill will toward Fitz. I imagine they have a good time at parties, though Victor isn't as much of a playboy as Fitz is was.
Yesss Juliussss pls <3
Vic is a little classist, but not in an extremely obvious way. He'd likely have raised his eyebrows at NCE's elopement, but that's about it. Ty for offering up Thom for me haha I'll likely have a few mentions of him peppered around Victor's posts xDD
As for hurls, I'd say I'd be down to hurl them again, but they got paired in the Thread Roulette lol so I'll DM you about that. And while I adore Dot, Vic has informed me he finds her annoying, but I'd be intrigued at the idea of threading them together!
Oooo yes I'm down to throw them together! You never know
Not sure if he and Gus would have interacted enough but I could sort of see Atticus and Vic as friends? I feel like they'd have fun at parties together lol
LOL I could see Vic seeing Basil as a bit odd, so mutual feelings there I would say xD
Definitely could see Poppy as a potential hurl once she debuts this summer! We can circle back to that once she does
I could see Vic and Oli being at least weird friends - Vic might see him as a bit rude at times and try and straighten him out a little bit. Let's throw them together and see what happens!
Oooo yes please!! :D Awe that'd be nice, I'd like that.
(January 30, 2022 – 5:59 PM)Holly Scrimgeour Wrote: Heeeey bestie <33
I have Frida Lestrange for hurling. Edric Umbridge is also another department head, and there's Simeon of course! He probably knows Freddie Prewett from similar circles, at least in passing!
Ohh I'm down for hurling him and Frida together. Also yesss collecting Edric and Freddie as friends/similar circle acquaintences <33
(January 30, 2022 – 5:59 PM)Madeleine Backus Wrote: Thaddeus is probably interested in seeing if he's purist, but would probably like him as another pb male.
Ginny likely invites him to things and would be friendly with him as one of those fun quidditch people. Possible hurling - but he may be too vanilla for her.
And Nephele to try and take his measure for her lovely niece
He's not a purist! Likely a little classist, but not overtly so. He would likely be polite with Ginny but she might kind of scare him a little xD lol I am so down for Victor being awkward with Nephele trying to matchmake for him >D Let me know if you'd like me to start a thread with them!
(January 30, 2022 – 6:11 PM)Imane Tuttle Wrote: Idk about hurls honestly but Imane and him could be fun? She's a sucker for comforting people through food too so if he had a bad day she'd be all about cooking something warm and lending an ear to listen.
I doubt he'd want anything to do with Barbie bahahaha.
Oooo I'm down for throwing them together and seeing what happens? LOL he'd likely find Barbie annoying >.>
(January 30, 2022 – 6:16 PM)Felicity Riley Wrote: Hurls: Bellona Zabini, Eudora King.
Affair?: I am going to be cycling Rufina Mulciber back in this spring and am never opposed to throwing her at attractive men.
Fitzroy Prewett is amazing at the social part of his job but I expect pawns a lot of the less pleasurable stuff off on Victor. If Carrow can overlook that, though, I can definitely see them getting on! Also Julius Scrimgeour for potential bud.
Down for hurling, I think I was a fail last time we hurled Bellona - now that Camille's eloped, he might be less interested, but wouldn't be extremely rude. Also down for affair-hurling Rufina/Victor when she's revived!
LOL I'm down for that. He likely gets frustrated from time to time like any employee, but I don't think he bears any ill will toward Fitz. I imagine they have a good time at parties, though Victor isn't as much of a playboy as Fitz is was.
Yesss Juliussss pls <3
(January 31, 2022 – 2:49 AM)Dorothea Twycross Wrote: Ben Crouch was his dormmate at Hogwarts, and has friends in/around Quidditch so they'd at least be familiar with each other. Ben is MC though so IDK if Victor wants to be friends.
If you ever need to complain about something for a work thread, feel free to make up antics for Thom Pettigrew who sponsors Puddlemere United. He's inactive but he's generally always high-maintenance when it comes to his Quidditch team and he makes a lot of spontaneous decisions. :P
Unmarried women are Henri (who threadded with him before but not to any great effect) and Dot here, who is new and not technically out until April.
Vic is a little classist, but not in an extremely obvious way. He'd likely have raised his eyebrows at NCE's elopement, but that's about it. Ty for offering up Thom for me haha I'll likely have a few mentions of him peppered around Victor's posts xDD
As for hurls, I'd say I'd be down to hurl them again, but they got paired in the Thread Roulette lol so I'll DM you about that. And while I adore Dot, Vic has informed me he finds her annoying, but I'd be intrigued at the idea of threading them together!
(January 31, 2022 – 3:51 AM)Ottoline Sheach Wrote: I have but one character for this man: Ottoline here.
And, despite their muse threatening bodily harm, I offer them as a hurl candidateeven if was something short-livedxD He's a tad of an opposite to them but they're both traumatized (in their own ways) from past love's. This is probably very out of left field, though, so I understand if you have different opinion <3
Oooo yes I'm down to throw them together! You never know

(February 2, 2022 – 4:12 PM)Gus Lissington Wrote: I can throw Atticus Foxwood at him as a potential friend. He's apart of Black's as well, so they could easily meet up there; they attended Hogwarts at the same time, although Atticus was a Ravenclaw. He's pretty tame lol
Can't see them interacting much, if at all, but I also have Gus Lissington who's a few years younger, former Hufflepuff.
Not sure if he and Gus would have interacted enough but I could sort of see Atticus and Vic as friends? I feel like they'd have fun at parties together lol
(February 2, 2022 – 5:40 PM)Basil Foxwood Wrote:Basil Foxwood - if he's Atticus' friend from school, Basil has zero interest in him.
Poppy Dashwood - Poppy on the other hand could be a potential hurl, pre-debut or post debut this summer. Atticus could introduce them lol. She's a downright flirt so even if it wasn't seriously entertained, I could see something happening if we wanted it to. Also, she's very into pushing the limits of acceptable society sooo if we wanted them to get into trouble together, there's also that. Could see long-term friendship, if he tolerates her personality lololol.
Olixander Blackwood - Fraaaaand! Oli needs more friends, even ones who aren't as classist/purist as he is. They could know each other from Hogwarts/Quidditch things even if there is a bit of a gap. I'm open for anything, but I think they could be fun!
Unrelated, but coming soon - I think he could be fun friends or old-teammates for Mabel's baby bro so expect that chat coming at you, eventually lol.
LOL I could see Vic seeing Basil as a bit odd, so mutual feelings there I would say xD
Definitely could see Poppy as a potential hurl once she debuts this summer! We can circle back to that once she does

I could see Vic and Oli being at least weird friends - Vic might see him as a bit rude at times and try and straighten him out a little bit. Let's throw them together and see what happens!
Oooo yes please!! :D Awe that'd be nice, I'd like that.