(February 3, 2022 – 3:13 PM)Sholto Murray Wrote:Works for me! :D(February 2, 2022 – 12:57 AM)Monty Morales Wrote: Yes, I'm all for Owain/Sho becoming friends and Sho eventually being on the edge of his seat as he dreads Owain someday being like "say, do you know a Siofa?" XDYesssss. Sho is really afraid of someone from his past recognizing him but is also fully aware that avoiding people for no good reason is very sus; so he just tries to act natural... which often times isn't lol. Thread-wise: maybe Sho is in Hogsmeade at the Three Broomsticks, winding down after a long work-week and the two run into each other? (que Sho being like... huh, he looks familiar) I can do the starter if you'd like!
Of course the other people I linked are all open for friendships too but I think we should start off with Owain <3

magic by mj