Ahhhhhh, I love herrrrrr! Sooo many things!
Poppy Dashwood - I feel like she and Poppy could be friends! They could meet through Ida, if that becomes a thing! I don't know how much Poppy would trust her/her services, but Poppy would gravitate towards her personality! And she'd love to hear about Dot's life experiences, because she feels stifled.
Olixander Blackwood - the complete opposite of Poppy, lol. He hella buys into these things and has his own philosophic ~thoughts about how the world works and different influences in it (tides, moons, etc). BASICALLY, in modern day, Oli would be one of those people with tons of crystals and things around his house and wicca books. I could see him coming to her as a client, just to see what the fuss is about. I think it would require a catalyst, and he'd be kindof a jerk while there? But it could be fun lol.
Poppy Dashwood - I feel like she and Poppy could be friends! They could meet through Ida, if that becomes a thing! I don't know how much Poppy would trust her/her services, but Poppy would gravitate towards her personality! And she'd love to hear about Dot's life experiences, because she feels stifled.
Olixander Blackwood - the complete opposite of Poppy, lol. He hella buys into these things and has his own philosophic ~thoughts about how the world works and different influences in it (tides, moons, etc). BASICALLY, in modern day, Oli would be one of those people with tons of crystals and things around his house and wicca books. I could see him coming to her as a client, just to see what the fuss is about. I think it would require a catalyst, and he'd be kindof a jerk while there? But it could be fun lol.