Wow these things are all FIRE.
Ida Chang Dot did some of her growing up in that part of the world so I could definitely see her buying spices from them. She also had to fight her dad to be able to have her business so if Ida tried to salespitch her Dot might just adopt her as a protégé which I'm REALLY into because it sounds hilarious. Maybe we can do letters, or they could grab tea together on a Hogsmeade weekend?
Gus Lissington Yes yes yes, we can assume they're neighbors and maybe their siblings were friends first and that's how they became acquainted? (Dot has older siblings) They could have a friendly catch-up and geek out about cursed objects or he could get her opinions on the box, whichever you prefer
As for Atticus, where might one run into him other than society events?
Cassius Lestrange I was already thinking she and Effie would get along, I just hadn't brought it up yet xD I definitely think there's interest to be had with Noble- maybe we can establish that they've met before and save a thread for when she needs an inexplicably specific potion?
because, uh, that will probably happen. And I am AGGRESSIVELY into the thing with Elliot. AGGRESSIVELY.

Beautiful set by Kit!
Ida Chang Dot did some of her growing up in that part of the world so I could definitely see her buying spices from them. She also had to fight her dad to be able to have her business so if Ida tried to salespitch her Dot might just adopt her as a protégé which I'm REALLY into because it sounds hilarious. Maybe we can do letters, or they could grab tea together on a Hogsmeade weekend?
Gus Lissington Yes yes yes, we can assume they're neighbors and maybe their siblings were friends first and that's how they became acquainted? (Dot has older siblings) They could have a friendly catch-up and geek out about cursed objects or he could get her opinions on the box, whichever you prefer

Cassius Lestrange I was already thinking she and Effie would get along, I just hadn't brought it up yet xD I definitely think there's interest to be had with Noble- maybe we can establish that they've met before and save a thread for when she needs an inexplicably specific potion?

Beautiful set by Kit!