Tycho Dodonus is a fellow seer who is rather accepting and is openly fluid in his gender expression. Less so with his pansexuality.
Owain Edwards would have been his housemate & yearmate. Probably would find something vaguely familiar but would hardly expect the 'girl' he briefly knew in school to be turning up as a man so obviously would assume he's a new acquaintance. xD
Philip Aymslowe & Josiah Rohlwing both reside in Irvingly. Philips pretty friendly (and bisexual) and Josiahs super shy.
I have other potential connections but these were the most relevant, I felt!
Owain Edwards would have been his housemate & yearmate. Probably would find something vaguely familiar but would hardly expect the 'girl' he briefly knew in school to be turning up as a man so obviously would assume he's a new acquaintance. xD
Philip Aymslowe & Josiah Rohlwing both reside in Irvingly. Philips pretty friendly (and bisexual) and Josiahs super shy.
I have other potential connections but these were the most relevant, I felt!