It was hard not to be drawn in by such insightful questions or by such a receptive audience. She peered past the edge of her canvas to look at him, much like she had hundreds of times before, but this time noted his expression rather than say - the subtle shadow cast by his nose. There was a longer answer on the tip of her tongue but after a moment thought better of it.
"More... boisterous persons can leave a strong impression almost immediately and without effort." She reached for her mahlstick and leaned in close to carefully add a bit of light to his likeness' pupil.
"Of course, what I do can be just the basis. You'll take over once it's animated."
"More... boisterous persons can leave a strong impression almost immediately and without effort." She reached for her mahlstick and leaned in close to carefully add a bit of light to his likeness' pupil.
"Of course, what I do can be just the basis. You'll take over once it's animated."
"Have you heard? She's the one that killed her husband!
They couldn't prove it... but everyone says it was her"
They couldn't prove it... but everyone says it was her"