“I don’t think this is the direction we should have gone,” he whispered fervently, cheeks still pink. Even so, Basil followed Macnair deeper down the aisle, clutching the books tightly to his chest. What on Earth were they going to do now if they got caught? He didn’t even want to think about that prospect as, again, he clutched the books tightly to his chest. Unbeknownst to the Ravenclaw he was slowly, increasingly annoying the dark text that Macnair had pulled from the shelves for him. It seethed under his careless grip.
As they neared the furthest side of the Restricted Section where the lighting was dim and the texts all seemed to glow with allure, the Ravenclaw slowed. This was probably quite far enough. Grabbing Macnair by the sleeve, Basil tugged him to a halt and looked back the way they had come. The footsteps seemed to have followed them however, and Basil strained to hear which direction they were coming from. Across from them, perhaps an isle over, a man cleared his throat and Basil flinched. He recognized that sound.
Without any warning, or perhaps many that the Ravenclaw was too distracted to notice, the black book decided it had enough squeezing. With much aplomb the text made its move and bit down on Basil’s arms causing the boy to let out a loud yelp and drop the pile of texts altogether. Well, there went that cover.