Phyri probably makes fun of him all the time but he is also probably the brother & sibling she's closest to?
William Blake Abrahams was the year above at school, MC, also Gryffindor, extremely shy and easy to tease so I think he would have been kinda intimated by/awkward around Don Juan at school. That said, his parents owned a print-shop and he went travelling on the continent after graduating so there is opportunity for them to have bumped into each other here and there since – possibly even for Bram to be "sensible friend chaperon" in the vein of this if that's something you're into. xD And/or, Bram does illustrations for novels now so could work w/his publishing press? Many options here, lmk~
Savino Zabini is not quite as ~troublemaking rich boy but is a friend of Cleon's and is ~persuadable to getting lit and does like poetry and art and stuff, so they might still get on.
Barnaby Wye is exactly his type of horny arty late twenties rich boy except, ya know, 300 years dead. Is there room in his friendship circles for a ghost???
Yell at me if you want threads <3

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3
William Blake Abrahams was the year above at school, MC, also Gryffindor, extremely shy and easy to tease so I think he would have been kinda intimated by/awkward around Don Juan at school. That said, his parents owned a print-shop and he went travelling on the continent after graduating so there is opportunity for them to have bumped into each other here and there since – possibly even for Bram to be "sensible friend chaperon" in the vein of this if that's something you're into. xD And/or, Bram does illustrations for novels now so could work w/his publishing press? Many options here, lmk~
Savino Zabini is not quite as ~troublemaking rich boy but is a friend of Cleon's and is ~persuadable to getting lit and does like poetry and art and stuff, so they might still get on.
Barnaby Wye is exactly his type of horny arty late twenties rich boy except, ya know, 300 years dead. Is there room in his friendship circles for a ghost???
Yell at me if you want threads <3

look ANOTHER beautiful bee!set <3