Character: Rhys Gallagher
Played By: Bee
Suggestionizer? I can go either way so whichever you need one of?
Restrictions: N/A
The Regular: Emma, Beanie
Character: Ella Grimm
Played By: Bee
Suggestionizer? Again, either way
Restrictions: probably not London, but I could swing if necessary
The Regular: Emma, Beanie
MJ always makes her so pretty
Played By: Bee
Suggestionizer? I can go either way so whichever you need one of?
Restrictions: N/A
The Regular: Emma, Beanie
Character: Ella Grimm
Played By: Bee
Suggestionizer? Again, either way
Restrictions: probably not London, but I could swing if necessary
The Regular: Emma, Beanie
MJ always makes her so pretty