She was smiling, so — he must not have put his foot in his mouth too badly. That, or she was the sort to forgive and forget without delay. Either way, he returned the smile; his expression a little more reserved than hers, a little more bashful. Probably everything she said next was just the usual social niceties that people said at these sorts of things, but he didn't have much experience with debuts. It wasn't every day that he was told I'm most flattered that you chose to attend and the sincerity in her voice flattered him in turn. He was still getting used to being somebody when it came to the social scene, but she was certainly treating him like he was somebody.
"It's grand," he answered, with a glance above at the decorations. "I don't think I've seen planets like this outside of dusty old textbooks. It's so much more vivid this way. My compliments to whoever chose the theme." Her mother, he supposed? Annie hadn't debuted yet, but he couldn't imagine his mother relinquishing control over every aspect of that event to anyone, when the time came.
"It's grand," he answered, with a glance above at the decorations. "I don't think I've seen planets like this outside of dusty old textbooks. It's so much more vivid this way. My compliments to whoever chose the theme." Her mother, he supposed? Annie hadn't debuted yet, but he couldn't imagine his mother relinquishing control over every aspect of that event to anyone, when the time came.